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MBE sometimes does not update filename when saving a file under another name #22

Open mikehaertl opened 11 years ago

mikehaertl commented 11 years ago

I found, that sometimes MBE still displayes the old filename, when I save a file under a different name with :w othername.txt. It may be related to saving the file in another directory. Not sure, though.

Here's an example how my MBE sometimes looks:

[14:index-at.html] [19:main.php] [23:index.php] [24:at/main.php]*! [28:at/index.php] [30:index-ch.html] [31:at/main.php]

Note the duplicate in buffer 24 and 31. Buffer 24 was the file at/index.php which i then saved with :w views/layouts/ch/main.php. So it should be ch/main.php.