weynhamz / vim-plugin-minibufexpl

Elegant buffer explorer - takes very little screen space
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Maintain MBE window position when moving other windows #31

Open adambiggs opened 10 years ago

adambiggs commented 10 years ago

When moving windows using <C-w>+ H/J/K/L it would be nice if the MBE window stayed pinned in it's current location instead of moving like the other "normal" windows.

This is the only thing I find annoying about MBE. Everything else seems way better than other similar plugins.

adambiggs commented 10 years ago

FYI for anyone else annoyed by this, I found a temporary solution with the following mapping:

map <C-w>H <C-w>H:MBEOpen!<CR>
map <C-w>J <C-w>J:MBEOpen!<CR>
map <C-w>K <C-w>K:MBEOpen!<CR>
map <C-w>L <C-w>L:MBEOpen!<CR>