In some other queue like Kafka, which is designed using disk-based retention, this means when a broker downs and then backs, the messages in queue can be recovered. But what happen in redis-smq, Redis relies on main memory of computer for data storage. Does it mean all the messages in the queue will be lost if a broker down?
This is the thing that I concern to choose between redis-smq and others. Can you help me answer it @weyoss ?
In some other queue like Kafka, which is designed using
disk-based retention
, this means when a broker downs and then backs, the messages in queue can be recovered. But what happen in redis-smq, Redis relies on main memory of computer for data storage. Does it mean all the messages in the queue will be lost if a broker down? This is the thing that I concern to choose between redis-smq and others. Can you help me answer it @weyoss ?