wez / govee2mqtt

Govee2MQTT: Connect Govee lights and devices to Home Assistant
MIT License
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Run standalone without HA? #172

Open m-elias opened 2 months ago

m-elias commented 2 months ago

Can this run apart from Home Assistant? I'd like to simply publish my Govee's data to mqtt topics.

wez commented 2 months ago

Yes; just run it standalone. https://github.com/wez/govee2mqtt/blob/main/docs/DOCKER.md

m-elias commented 2 months ago

I'm running Docker on unRaid and this is all very new to me. I assume I can skip #1 (MQTT integration in Home Assistant).

I have copied the skeleton env example and filled in the particulars for my mqtt broker, govee account/api key, timezone etc. It's saved in the /config path as govee2mqtt.env.

Here's my Docker config for this container: image

I'm not sure what to do with docker-compose.yml, I don't think I need it as I've entered the parameters in the config UI.

I get the following error in the logs, it looks like it's not loading my env file? [2024-04-17T09:15:49 INFO govee::commands::serve] Starting service. version 2024.02.05-4c4fa0db [2024-04-17T09:15:49 INFO govee::commands::serve] Starting LAN discovery [2024-04-17T09:15:49 INFO govee::commands::serve] Waiting 10 seconds for LAN API discovery [2024-04-17T09:15:59 INFO govee::commands::serve] Devices returned from Govee's APIs Error: Please specify the mqtt broker either via the --mqtt-host parameter or by setting $GOVEE_MQTT_HOST

sanitized govee2mqtt.env GOVEE_EMAIL=email@domain.com GOVEE_PASSWORD=email_pw GOVEE_API_KEY=api_key_from_govee_email GOVEE_MQTT_HOST=host_ip_Addr GOVEE_MQTT_PORT=1883 GOVEE_MQTT_USER=user_name GOVEE_MQTT_PASSWORD=user_pw GOVEE_TEMPERATURE_SCALE=C RUST_LOG_STYLE=always



I also tried changing the env_file key to env-file.

m-elias commented 2 months ago

I looked into unRaid's Docker env options and found that I needed to go into advanced edit view and add an extra docker parameter --env-file /mnt/user/appdata/govee2mqtt/govee2mqtt.env

Now it starts and the log shows it pulling device data from Govee. Can I ignore any complaints about Home Assistant in the logs? There are several about Unknown device type. Cannot map to Home Assistant.

So far I'm not seeing any new topics on my mqtt broker. I only have temperature/humidity and water sensing Govee devices and it from the logs it appears it's seeing them all except all but one wifi temperature sensor have the above HA mapping error.

m-elias commented 2 months ago

I now see a gv2mqtt topic with the one wifi temp/hum sensor's data on my broker. Is it possible to get data from my other sensors? I have H5054 & H5105 sensors. These are the ones lists as "Unknown device type. Cannot map to Home Assistant."

wez commented 2 months ago

Glad to hear that you've got things up and running. The unknown device types are generally things that we cannot communicate with and are unsupported. See also: