wez / govee2mqtt

Govee2MQTT: Connect Govee lights and devices to Home Assistant
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Hostname Resolution Error #217

Open F1zzyD opened 2 weeks ago

F1zzyD commented 2 weeks ago

Govee Device SKU


Govee2MQTT Version


Describe the issue

I am running govee2mqtt in a docker alongside hass core and mosquitto. Mosquitto and hass boot up fine and so does govee2mqtt... except after the 10 second delay it throws a huge block of text and the error "Hostname resolution error: Try again". I've spent three hours double checking everything and my credentials are correct, but govee2mqtt refuses to work. However, I am able to get MQTT installed through the Hass UI and it sees mosquitto at

I'm attaching the log from govee2mqtt, the compose.yml, and the mosquitto.conf for reference.

Startup Diagnostics


Additional Logs

No response

Home Assistant Logs


Anything else?

compose.txt mosquitto.txt

wez commented 2 weeks ago

Since network_mode=host, I don't think docker's DNS magic is applicable and you should probably set MQTT_BROKER=

F1zzyD commented 2 weeks ago

I just changed MQTT_BROKER to and I'm still getting "Hostname resolution error: Try again". That didn't seem to do anything.

HASS Core accepts MQTT being set to and I see the Govee integration pop up, but it refuses to make any sort of connection.

From: Wez Furlong @.> Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2024 8:53:06 AM To: wez/govee2mqtt @.> Cc: F1zzyD @.>; Author @.> Subject: Re: [wez/govee2mqtt] Hostname Resolution Error (Issue #217)

Since network_mode=host, I don't think docker's DNS magic is applicable and you should probably set MQTT_BROKER=

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F1zzyD commented 2 weeks ago

I did some more tinkering and now I have more errors than I did before. I went back and redid everything outlined in the main guide for docker and I'm finding several inconsistencies/conflicting instructions:

I've included the full log from caddy here and my updated compose.yml. I am still getting "Hostname resolution error: Try again" from govee2mqtt as well.

compose.txt log.txt

wez commented 2 weeks ago

Troubleshooting your caddy, cloudflare and docker installation is out of scope for me; sorry, but you'll need to continue on your own.