wez / wezterm

A GPU-accelerated cross-platform terminal emulator and multiplexer written by @wez and implemented in Rust
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Rendering issue with Wezterm nightly #3804

Closed dmilith closed 1 year ago

dmilith commented 1 year ago

What Operating System(s) are you seeing this problem on?


Which Wayland compositor or X11 Window manager(s) are you using?

No response

WezTerm version

wezterm 20230409-215346-54a65a54

Did you try the latest nightly build to see if the issue is better (or worse!) than your current version?

Yes, and I updated the version box above to show the version of the nightly that I tried

Describe the bug

I use Iosevka Light as my main font, my full configuration is here: https://g.verknowsys.com/ahgbw

Today I play with my.cnf on one of my servers… and if you take a closer look… you'll see that "=" is rendered as "-" sometimes. I'm 100% sure that all these are = but they render improperly:


To Reproduce

No clue! :)


local wezterm = require 'wezterm';
local mux = wezterm.mux
local act = wezterm.action

local MY_EDITOR = "/Applications/Sublime Text.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin/subl"

return {
  default_cwd = "/Volumes/Projects",
  ulimit_nproc = 2048,
  ulimit_nofile = 4096,
  term = "xterm-256color",
  skip_close_confirmation_for_processes_named = {
    "bash", "sh", "zsh", "fish", "tmux"
  pane_focus_follows_mouse = false,
  native_macos_fullscreen_mode = false,
  enable_scroll_bar = true,
  switch_to_last_active_tab_when_closing_tab = true,

  -- unicoden = 14,
  animation_fps = 60,
  -- freetype_load_target = "Light",
  --font_size = 21,
  font_size = 28,
  command_palette_font_size = 28,
  --font_size = 20.5,
  line_height = 1.05,
  initial_cols = 300,
  initial_rows = 49,
  window_background_opacity = 0.89,
  --macos_window_background_blur = 7,

  scrollback_lines = 1000000,

  audible_bell = "SystemBeep",
  --custom_block_glyphs = true,
  default_cursor_style = "BlinkingBlock",
  cursor_blink_rate = 900,
  cursor_blink_ease_in = 'Linear',
  cursor_blink_ease_out = 'Linear',
  bold_brightens_ansi_colors = true,
  use_resize_increments = false,

  tab_bar_at_bottom = false,
  hide_tab_bar_if_only_one_tab = true,
  use_fancy_tab_bar = false,
  show_tab_index_in_tab_bar = true,

  font = wezterm.font({
    family="Iosevka Light",
    harfbuzz_features={"calt=1", "clig=1", "liga=1"},

  color_scheme = "Abernathy",
  color_schemes = {
   ["Abernathy"] = {
     cursor_border = "#52ad70",
     cursor_bg = "#00f200",
     cursor_fg = "#0c0c0c",
     selection_fg = "white",
     selection_bg = "#1972a1",
     ansi = {"#2c2c2c", "#c91b00", "#00c200", "#ffaa00", "#4069e9", "#c930c7", "#00c5c7", "#c7c7c7"},
     brights = {"#676767", "#ff6d67", "#5ff967", "#fefb67", "#6871ff", "#ff76ff", "#5ffdff", "#fffefe"},
  window_decorations = "RESIZE",

  key_tables = {
    copy_mode = {
      {key="c", mods="CTRL", action=act.CopyMode("Close")},
      {key="g", mods="CTRL", action=act.CopyMode("Close")},
      {key="q", mods="NONE", action=act.CopyMode("Close")},
      {key="Escape", mods="NONE", action=act.CopyMode("Close")},

      {key="h", mods="NONE", action=act.CopyMode("MoveLeft")},
      {key="j", mods="NONE", action=act.CopyMode("MoveDown")},
      {key="k", mods="NONE", action=act.CopyMode("MoveUp")},
      {key="l", mods="NONE", action=act.CopyMode("MoveRight")},

      {key="LeftArrow",  mods="NONE", action=act.CopyMode("MoveLeft")},
      {key="DownArrow",  mods="NONE", action=act.CopyMode("MoveDown")},
      {key="UpArrow",    mods="NONE", action=act.CopyMode("MoveUp")},
      {key="RightArrow", mods="NONE", action=act.CopyMode("MoveRight")},

      {key="RightArrow", mods="ALT",  action=act.CopyMode("MoveForwardWord")},
      {key="f",          mods="ALT",  action=act.CopyMode("MoveForwardWord")},
      {key="Tab",        mods="NONE", action=act.CopyMode("MoveForwardWord")},
      {key="w",          mods="NONE", action=act.CopyMode("MoveForwardWord")},

      {key="LeftArrow", mods="ALT",   action=act.CopyMode("MoveBackwardWord")},
      {key="b",         mods="ALT",   action=act.CopyMode("MoveBackwardWord")},
      {key="Tab",       mods="SHIFT", action=act.CopyMode("MoveBackwardWord")},
      {key="b",         mods="NONE",  action=act.CopyMode("MoveBackwardWord")},

      {key="0",     mods="NONE",  action=act.CopyMode("MoveToStartOfLine")},
      {key="Enter", mods="NONE",  action=act.CopyMode("MoveToStartOfNextLine")},

      {key="$",     mods="NONE",  action=act.CopyMode("MoveToEndOfLineContent")},
      {key="$",     mods="SHIFT", action=act.CopyMode("MoveToEndOfLineContent")},
      {key="^",     mods="NONE",  action=act.CopyMode("MoveToStartOfLineContent")},
      {key="^",     mods="SHIFT", action=act.CopyMode("MoveToStartOfLineContent")},
      {key="m",     mods="ALT",   action=act.CopyMode("MoveToStartOfLineContent")},

      {key=" ", mods="NONE",  action=act.CopyMode{SetSelectionMode="Cell"}},
      {key="v", mods="NONE",  action=act.CopyMode{SetSelectionMode="Cell"}},
      {key="V", mods="NONE",  action=act.CopyMode{SetSelectionMode="Line"}},
      {key="V", mods="SHIFT", action=act.CopyMode{SetSelectionMode="Line"}},
      {key="v", mods="CTRL",  action=act.CopyMode{SetSelectionMode="Block"}},

      {key="G", mods="NONE",  action=act.CopyMode("MoveToScrollbackBottom")},
      {key="G", mods="SHIFT", action=act.CopyMode("MoveToScrollbackBottom")},
      {key="g", mods="NONE",  action=act.CopyMode("MoveToScrollbackTop")},

      {key="H", mods="NONE",  action=act.CopyMode("MoveToViewportTop")},
      {key="H", mods="SHIFT", action=act.CopyMode("MoveToViewportTop")},
      {key="M", mods="NONE",  action=act.CopyMode("MoveToViewportMiddle")},
      {key="M", mods="SHIFT", action=act.CopyMode("MoveToViewportMiddle")},
      {key="L", mods="NONE",  action=act.CopyMode("MoveToViewportBottom")},
      {key="L", mods="SHIFT", action=act.CopyMode("MoveToViewportBottom")},

      {key="o", mods="NONE",  action=act.CopyMode("MoveToSelectionOtherEnd")},
      {key="O", mods="NONE",  action=act.CopyMode("MoveToSelectionOtherEndHoriz")},
      {key="O", mods="SHIFT", action=act.CopyMode("MoveToSelectionOtherEndHoriz")},

      {key="PageUp",   mods="NONE", action=act.CopyMode("PageUp")},
      {key="PageDown", mods="NONE", action=act.CopyMode("PageDown")},

      {key="b", mods="CTRL", action=act.CopyMode("PageUp")},
      {key="f", mods="CTRL", action=act.CopyMode("PageDown")},

      {key="y", mods="NONE", action=act.Multiple{
        -- act.Copy,

  keys = {
    {key="Enter", mods="SUPER", action="ToggleFullScreen"},
    {key="l", mods="SUPER", action="ShowDebugOverlay"},
    {key="k", mods="SUPER", action=act.ClearScrollback("ScrollbackAndViewport")},
    {key="x", mods="SUPER", action="ActivateCopyMode"},
    {key="s", mods="SUPER", action=act.QuickSelect},

    {key="d", mods="SUPER", action=act.SplitPane{
      direction="Right", -- command={args={"top"}},

    {key="d", mods="SUPER|SHIFT", action=act.SplitPane{

    {key="UpArrow", mods="SUPER", action=act.ScrollByLine(-1)},
    {key="DownArrow", mods="SUPER", action=act.ScrollByLine(1)},

  window_padding = {
    left = "0.3cell",
    right = "0.3cell",
    top = "0.3cell",
    bottom = "0.3cell",

  -- format tab naming
  wezterm.on("format-tab-title", function(tab, tabs, panes, config, hover, max_width)
   if tab.is_active then
     return {
       {Text= "   " .. tab.tab_index + 1 .. "   "},
     return {
       {Text= "   " .. tab.tab_index + 1 .. "   "},
   return tab.active_pane.title

  -- position window to the top
  wezterm.on("window-config-reloaded", function(window, pane)
    window:set_position(0, 0)

  -- handle battery info
  wezterm.on("update-right-status", function(window, pane)
    -- The powerline < symbol
    local LEFT_ARROW = utf8.char(0xe0b3);
    -- The filled in variant of the < symbol
    local SOLID_LEFT_ARROW = utf8.char(0xe0b2)
    -- local SOLID_RIGHT_ARROW = utf8.char(0xe0b0)

    -- Each element holds the text for a cell in a "powerline" style << fade
    local cells = {};

    -- Figure out the cwd and host of the current pane.
    -- This will pick up the hostname for the remote host if your
    -- shell is using OSC 7 on the remote host.
    -- local cwd_uri = pane:get_current_working_dir()
    -- if cwd_uri then
    --   cwd_uri = cwd_uri:sub(8);
    --   local slash = cwd_uri:find("/")
    --   local cwd = ""
    --   local hostname = ""
    --   if slash then
    --     hostname = cwd_uri:sub(1, slash-1)
    --     -- Remove the domain name portion of the hostname
    --     local dot = hostname:find("[.]")
    --     if dot then
    --       hostname = hostname:sub(1, dot-1)
    --     end
    --     -- and extract the cwd from the uri
    --     cwd = cwd_uri:sub(slash)

    --     table.insert(cells, cwd);
    --     table.insert(cells, hostname);
    --   end
    -- end
    -- Color palette for the backgrounds of each cell
    local colors = {
    -- local colors = {
    --   "#52307c",
    --   "#3c1361",
    --   "#7c5295",
    --   "#663a82",
    -- };

    -- I like my date/time in this style: "Wed Mar 3 08:14"
    local date = wezterm.strftime("%a, %-d %b %Y");
    table.insert(cells, date);
    -- table.insert(cells, {Text=SOLID_LEFT_ARROW})

    -- An entry for each battery (typically 0 or 1 battery)
    for _, b in ipairs(wezterm.battery_info()) do
      table.insert(cells, string.format("%.0f%%", b.state_of_charge * 100))

    -- Foreground color for the text across the fade
    local text_fg = "#c0c0c0";

    -- The elements to be formatted
    local elements = {};
    -- How many cells have been formatted
    local num_cells = 0;

    -- table.insert(cells, {Background={Color=colors[2]}})
    -- table.insert(cells, {Text=SOLID_LEFT_ARROW})

    -- Translate a cell into elements
    function push(text, is_last)
      local cell_no = num_cells + 1
      table.insert(elements, {Foreground={Color=text_fg}})

      table.insert(elements, {Background={Color=colors[cell_no]}})
      table.insert(elements, {Text=" "..text.." "})
      if not is_last then
        table.insert(elements, {Foreground={Color=colors[cell_no+1]}})
        table.insert(elements, {Text=SOLID_LEFT_ARROW})
        table.insert(elements, {Text="🔋"})
      num_cells = num_cells + 1

    while #cells > 0 do
      local cell = table.remove(cells, 1)
      push(cell, #cells == 0)


  -- define first tab to be a special tab
  wezterm.on("gui-startup", function()
    local projects_dir = "/Volumes/Projects"

    -- the first tab
    local tab, first_pane, window = mux.spawn_window{
    first_pane:send_text("clear; while true; do clear; sccache --show-stats; sleep 5; done\n")

    local second_pane = first_pane:split{
    second_pane:send_text("clear; while true; do date; brew upgrade; brew cleanup; echo; echo; echo; sleep 7200; done\n")

    local third_pane = second_pane:split{

    -- -- the second tab
    -- local fbsd_arm64_13_1 = "/Volumes/Projects/VMs/FreeBSD-13.1"

    -- local tab, first_pane, window = mux.spawn_window{
    --   workspace="qemu131",
    --   cwd=fbsd_arm64_13_1,
    -- }
    -- first_pane:send_text("./ssh.sh \"ccache -s\"\n")

    -- local second_pane = first_pane:split{
    --   direction="Right",
    --   size=0.8,
    --   cwd=fbsd_arm64_13_1,
    -- }
    -- second_pane:send_text("./ssh.sh \"gstat\"\n")

    -- local third_pane = second_pane:split{
    --   direction="Bottom",
    --   size=0.4,
    --   cwd=fbsd_arm64_13_1,
    -- }
    -- third_pane:send_text("./start.sh")

    -- local fbsd_arm64_13_2 = "/Volumes/Projects/VMs/FreeBSD-13.2"


  wezterm.on("open-uri", function(window, pane, uri)
    local prefix = "src"
    local start, match_end = uri:find(prefix)
    if start == 1 then
      wezterm.log_info("opening editor for: " .. uri)
      local file_at_some_position = prefix .. uri:sub(match_end+1)
      window:perform_action(wezterm.action.SpawnCommandInNewWindow{args = {MY_EDITOR, file_at_some_position}}, pane)

      -- prevent the default action from opening in a browser
      return false

    local prefix = "http"
    local start, match_end = uri:find(prefix)
    if start == 1 then
      local an_url = prefix .. uri:sub(match_end+1)
      wezterm.log_info("opening: " .. an_url)
      window:perform_action(wezterm.action.SpawnCommandInNewWindow{args = {"open", an_url}}, pane) -- , "-g"
      return false

    -- otherwise, by not specifying a return value, we allow later
    -- handlers and ultimately the default action to caused the
    -- URI to be opened in the browser

  -- handle src/path.rs:123:45 with MY_EDITOR
  hyperlink_rules = {
      regex = [[\b(src.*rs):(\d+):(\d+)\b]],
      format = "$0",
      regex = [[\bhttps?://\S*\b]],
      format = "$0",

    -- Matches: a URL in parens: (URL)
      regex = '\\((\\w+://\\S+)\\)',
      format = '$1',
      highlight = 1,
    -- Matches: a URL in brackets: [URL]
      regex = '\\[(\\w+://\\S+)\\]',
      format = '$1',
      highlight = 1,
    -- Matches: a URL in curly braces: {URL}
      regex = '\\{(\\w+://\\S+)\\}',
      format = '$1',
      highlight = 1,
    -- Matches: a URL in angle brackets: <URL>
      regex = '<(\\w+://\\S+)>',
      format = '$1',
      highlight = 1,
    -- Then handle URLs not wrapped in brackets
      regex = '\\b\\w+://\\S+[)/a-zA-Z0-9-]+',
      format = '$0',
    -- implicit mailto link
      regex = '\\b\\w+@[\\w-]+(\\.[\\w-]+)+\\b',
      format = 'mailto:$0',

  quick_select_patterns = {
    -- match all kinds of paths

    -- match versions
    ' ([0-9]{1,}.[0-9]{1,}.[0-9]{1,})',

    -- match branch names in ()


Expected Behavior

It should render "=" where it's "=".


No response

Anything else?

No response

wez commented 1 year ago

Please put the version information and images directly into this issue. There's no information in here for me to act on. Thanks!

dmilith commented 1 year ago

Sorry about that :)

wez commented 1 year ago

Looks like a font hinting issue. Try setting freetype_load_flags = 'NO_HINTING' or playing around with these options:

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

This issue has been automatically closed because there has been no response to our request for more information from the original author. With only the information that is currently in the issue, we don't have enough information to take action. Please reach out if you have or find the answers we need so that we can investigate further.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

I'm going to lock this issue because it has been closed for 30 days ⏳. This helps our maintainers find and focus on the active issues. If you have found a problem that seems similar to this, please open a new issue and complete the issue template so we can capture all the details necessary to investigate further.