wez / wezterm

A GPU-accelerated cross-platform terminal emulator and multiplexer written by @wez and implemented in Rust
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can display "#की एक छवि", Notice where the arrow is. It's missing a quotation mark #4071

Closed xxaier closed 1 year ago

xxaier commented 1 year ago

What Operating System(s) are you seeing this problem on?


Which Wayland compositor or X11 Window manager(s) are you using?

macos 13.4.1 (c) (22F770820d)

WezTerm version


Did you try the latest nightly build to see if the issue is better (or worse!) than your current version?

Yes, and I updated the version box above to show the version of the nightly that I tried

Describe the bug





Notice where the arrow is. It's missing a quotation mark

To Reproduce

No response


local wezterm = require 'wezterm'

return {
  font = wezterm.font_with_fallback {
      family='FiraCode Nerd Font Mono',
      family='Noto Sans CJK SC',
  font_size = 16,
  selection_word_boundary = '{}[]()"\'=`,;: ❯│',
  hide_tab_bar_if_only_one_tab = true,
  hyperlink_rules = {
    -- Linkify things that look like URLs and the host has a TLD name.
    -- Compiled-in default. Used if you don't specify any hyperlink_rules.
      regex = [[\b\w+://[&a-zA-Z!\$\d_\.\?\-/%\[\]:=+#]*]],
      format = '$0',

    -- linkify email addresses
    -- Compiled-in default. Used if you don't specify any hyperlink_rules.
      regex = [[\b\w+@[\w-]+(\.[\w-]+)+\b]],
      format = 'mailto:$0',

    -- file:// URI
    -- Compiled-in default. Used if you don't specify any hyperlink_rules.
      regex = [[\bfile://\S*\b]],
      format = '$0',

    -- Linkify things that look like URLs with numeric addresses as hosts.
    -- E.g. for a local development server,
    -- or for the web interface of many routers.
      regex = [[\b\w+://(?:[\d]{1,3}\.){3}[\d]{1,3}\S*\b]],
      format = '$0',

    -- Make task numbers clickable
    -- The first matched regex group is captured in $1.
      regex = [[\b[tT](\d+)\b]],
      format = 'https://example.com/tasks/?t=$1',

    -- Make username/project paths clickable. This implies paths like the following are for GitHub.
    -- ( "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter" | wbthomason/packer.nvim | wez/wezterm | "wez/wezterm.git" )
    -- As long as a full URL hyperlink regex exists above this it should not match a full URL to
    -- GitHub or GitLab / BitBucket (i.e. https://gitlab.com/user/project.git is still a whole clickable URL)
    -- {
    --   regex = [[["]?([\w\d]{1}[-\w\d]+)(/){1}([-\w\d\.]+)["]?]],
    --   format = 'https://www.github.com/$1/$3',
    -- },

Expected Behavior

No response


No response

Anything else?

No response

michaelrommel commented 1 year ago

Hi, I looked at this because I had similar (easier) issues in the past.

For me it is not clear, how the glyph should actually look. The way it is displayed in the headline of this bug in Chrome or Firefox displays one contracted character based on two unicode points.

The second screenshot of yours show two glyphs side by side, not combined.

When I copy and paste the character from the headline to a terminal/editor/textfile, I get the following:


BTW: the quotes are always there, just overlaid.

Have you played around with the settings:

config.treat_east_asian_ambiguous_width_as_wide = false
config.unicode_version = 9
-- config.normalize_output_to_unicode_nfc = true
-- config.allow_square_glyphs_to_overflow_width = "Always"
config.allow_square_glyphs_to_overflow_width = "Never"

And are you running inside a terminal multiplexer like tmux or so?

wez commented 1 year ago

See also:

xxaier commented 1 year ago

image see the image, i change the config but no effect the error is I can't edit this string in vim (but use item2 can ) , not just display error

wez commented 1 year ago

Closing as a duplicate of https://github.com/wez/wezterm/issues/1333

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

I'm going to lock this issue because it has been closed for 30 days ⏳. This helps our maintainers find and focus on the active issues. If you have found a problem that seems similar to this, please open a new issue and complete the issue template so we can capture all the details necessary to investigate further.