wez / wezterm

A GPU-accelerated cross-platform terminal emulator and multiplexer written by @wez and implemented in Rust
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Can't open wezterm under wayland #5604

Open ystyle opened 1 week ago

ystyle commented 1 week ago

What Operating System(s) are you seeing this problem on?

Linux Wayland

Which Wayland compositor or X11 Window manager(s) are you using?

hyprland on archlinux

WezTerm version


Did you try the latest nightly build to see if the issue is better (or worse!) than your current version?

Yes, and I updated the version box above to show the version of the nightly that I tried

Describe the bug

Can't open wezterm under wayland, and set enable_wayland = false,in .wezterm.lua can open on xwayland

To Reproduce

No response


local wezterm = require("wezterm")
local mykeys = {
        { key = "p",         mods = "CTRL|SHIFT", action = wezterm.action.ShowLauncher },
        { key = "UpArrow",   mods = "CTRL",       action = wezterm.action.PaneSelect },
        { key = "DownArrow", mods = "CTRL",       action = wezterm.action.SplitVertical({ domain = "CurrentPaneDomain" }) },
                key = "RightArrow",
                mods = "CTRL",
                action = wezterm.action.SplitHorizontal({ domain = "CurrentPaneDomain" }),
        { key = "w", mods = "CTRL", action = wezterm.action.CloseCurrentPane({ confirm = true }) },

for i = 1, 8 do
        -- ALT + number to move to that position
        table.insert(mykeys, {
                key = tostring(i),
                mods = "ALT",
                action = wezterm.action.ActivateTab(i - 1),

return {
        window_background_opacity = 0.7,
        -- window_background_image = '/home/ystyle/Pictures/壁纸/wallhaven-gp2q77.jpg',
        window_background_image_hsb = {
                brightness = 0.07,
        initial_cols = 120,
        initial_rows = 30,
        hide_tab_bar_if_only_one_tab = true,
        tab_max_width = 40,
        font = wezterm.font_with_fallback({
                -- /usr/share/fonts/TTF/JetBrainsMono-Regular.ttf, FontConfig
                { family = "JetBrains Mono" },
                -- "Source Han Serif CN",
                { family = "Source Han Serif CN", weight = "Light" },
                -- { family = "Source Han Sans CN", weight = "Light" },
                -- /usr/share/fonts/noto/NotoColorEmoji.ttf, FontConfig
                -- Assumed to have Emoji Presentation
                -- Pixel sizes: [128]
                "Noto Color Emoji",

                -- /usr/share/fonts/TTF/SymbolsNerdFontMono-Regular.ttf, FontConfig
                "Symbols Nerd Font Mono",
        -- color_scheme = "AdventureTime",
        color_scheme = "AlienBlood",
        default_cursor_style = "BlinkingBar",
        -- window_decorations = "NONE",
        warn_about_missing_glyphs = false,
        alternate_buffer_wheel_scroll_speed = 1,
        enable_wayland = true,
        keys = mykeys,

Expected Behavior

Can open wezterm under wayland


WAYLAND_DEBUG=1 wezterm                                                  
[4229377.472]  -> wl_display#1.get_registry(new id wl_registry#2)
[4229377.488]  -> wl_display#1.sync(new id wl_callback#3)
[4229377.607] {Display Queue} wl_display#1.delete_id(3)
[4229377.618] wl_registry#2.global(1, "wp_tearing_control_manager_v1", 1)
[4229377.635] wl_registry#2.global(2, "wp_fractional_scale_manager_v1", 1)
[4229377.638] wl_registry#2.global(3, "zxdg_output_manager_v1", 3)
[4229377.641] wl_registry#2.global(4, "wp_cursor_shape_manager_v1", 1)
[4229377.643] wl_registry#2.global(5, "zwp_idle_inhibit_manager_v1", 1)
[4229377.645] wl_registry#2.global(6, "zwp_relative_pointer_manager_v1", 1)
[4229377.647] wl_registry#2.global(7, "zxdg_decoration_manager_v1", 1)
[4229377.656]  -> wl_registry#2.bind(7, "zxdg_decoration_manager_v1", 1, new id [unknown]#4)
[4229377.659] wl_registry#2.global(8, "wp_alpha_modifier_v1", 1)
[4229377.662] wl_registry#2.global(9, "zwlr_gamma_control_manager_v1", 1)
[4229377.664] wl_registry#2.global(10, "ext_foreign_toplevel_list_v1", 1)
[4229377.666] wl_registry#2.global(11, "zwp_pointer_gestures_v1", 3)
[4229377.668] wl_registry#2.global(12, "zwlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1", 3)
[4229377.670] wl_registry#2.global(13, "zwp_keyboard_shortcuts_inhibit_manager_v1", 1)
[4229377.673] wl_registry#2.global(14, "zwp_text_input_manager_v3", 1)
[4229377.675]  -> wl_registry#2.bind(14, "zwp_text_input_manager_v3", 1, new id [unknown]#5)
[4229377.682] wl_registry#2.global(15, "zwp_pointer_constraints_v1", 1)
[4229377.684] wl_registry#2.global(16, "zwlr_output_power_manager_v1", 1)
[4229377.686] wl_registry#2.global(17, "xdg_activation_v1", 1)
[4229377.689] wl_registry#2.global(18, "ext_idle_notifier_v1", 1)
[4229377.692] wl_registry#2.global(19, "ext_session_lock_manager_v1", 1)
[4229377.694] wl_registry#2.global(20, "zwp_input_method_manager_v2", 1)
[4229377.697] wl_registry#2.global(21, "zwp_virtual_keyboard_manager_v1", 1)
[4229377.699] wl_registry#2.global(22, "zwlr_virtual_pointer_manager_v1", 2)
[4229377.702] wl_registry#2.global(23, "zwlr_output_manager_v1", 4)
[4229377.706] wl_registry#2.global(24, "hyprland_toplevel_export_manager_v1", 2)
[4229377.708] wl_registry#2.global(25, "zwp_text_input_manager_v1", 1)
[4229377.711] wl_registry#2.global(26, "hyprland_global_shortcuts_manager_v1", 1)
[4229377.714] wl_registry#2.global(27, "zwlr_screencopy_manager_v1", 3)
[4229377.716] wl_registry#2.global(28, "wl_shm", 1)
[4229377.719]  -> wl_registry#2.bind(28, "wl_shm", 1, new id [unknown]#6)
[4229377.723] wl_registry#2.global(29, "wl_drm", 2)
[4229377.725] wl_registry#2.global(30, "zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1", 4)
[4229377.727] wl_registry#2.global(31, "wl_compositor", 6)
[4229377.731]  -> wl_registry#2.bind(31, "wl_compositor", 5, new id [unknown]#7)
[4229377.734] wl_registry#2.global(32, "wl_subcompositor", 1)
[4229377.737]  -> wl_registry#2.bind(32, "wl_subcompositor", 1, new id [unknown]#8)
[4229377.740] wl_registry#2.global(33, "wl_data_device_manager", 3)
[4229377.744]  -> wl_registry#2.bind(33, "wl_data_device_manager", 3, new id [unknown]#9)
[4229377.747] wl_registry#2.global(34, "zwlr_export_dmabuf_manager_v1", 1)
[4229377.750] wl_registry#2.global(35, "zwlr_data_control_manager_v1", 2)
[4229377.752] wl_registry#2.global(36, "zwp_primary_selection_device_manager_v1", 1)
[4229377.755] wl_registry#2.global(37, "wp_viewporter", 1)
[4229377.758] wl_registry#2.global(38, "xdg_wm_base", 6)
[4229377.761] wl_registry#2.global(39, "wl_seat", 9)
[4229377.764]  -> wl_registry#2.bind(39, "wl_seat", 6, new id [unknown]#10)
[4229377.769] wl_registry#2.global(40, "wp_presentation", 1)
[4229377.774] wl_registry#2.global(41, "zwlr_layer_shell_v1", 4)
[4229377.777] wl_registry#2.global(42, "org_kde_kwin_server_decoration_manager", 1)
[4229377.780] wl_registry#2.global(43, "wp_drm_lease_device_v1", 1)
[4229377.784] wl_registry#2.global(44, "zwp_tablet_manager_v2", 1)
[4229377.786] wl_registry#2.global(45, "zxdg_exporter_v1", 1)
[4229377.789] wl_registry#2.global(46, "zxdg_importer_v1", 1)
[4229377.792] wl_registry#2.global(47, "zxdg_exporter_v2", 1)
[4229377.795] wl_registry#2.global(48, "zxdg_importer_v2", 1)
[4229377.799] wl_registry#2.global(49, "wp_single_pixel_buffer_manager_v1", 1)
[4229377.804] wl_registry#2.global(50, "xwayland_shell_v1", 1)
[4229377.806] wl_registry#2.global(51, "wl_output", 4)
[4229377.809]  -> wl_registry#2.bind(51, "wl_output", 4, new id [unknown]#11)
[4229377.814] wl_registry#2.global(52, "wl_output", 4)
[4229377.818]  -> wl_registry#2.bind(52, "wl_output", 4, new id [unknown]#12)
[4229377.822] wl_callback#3.done(619)
[4229377.828]  -> wl_display#1.sync(new id wl_callback#3)
[4229378.028] {Display Queue} wl_display#1.delete_id(3)
[4229378.042] wl_shm#6.format(0)
[4229378.058] wl_shm#6.format(1)
[4229378.060] wl_shm#6.format(875709016)
[4229378.063] wl_shm#6.format(875708993)
[4229378.064] wl_shm#6.format(875710274)
[4229378.066] wl_shm#6.format(842094674)
[4229378.069] wl_shm#6.format(842088786)
[4229378.071] wl_shm#6.format(892426322)
[4229378.073] wl_shm#6.format(892420434)
[4229378.075] wl_shm#6.format(909199186)
[4229378.077] wl_shm#6.format(808665688)
[4229378.079] wl_shm#6.format(808665665)
[4229378.081] wl_shm#6.format(1211384408)
[4229378.083] wl_shm#6.format(1211384385)
[4229378.086] wl_shm#6.format(942948952)
[4229378.088] wl_shm#6.format(942948929)
[4229378.090] wl_seat#10.name("seat0")
[4229378.096] wl_seat#10.capabilities(7)
[4229378.103]  -> wl_data_device_manager#9.get_data_device(new id wl_data_device#13, wl_seat#10)
[4229378.110] wl_output#11.geometry(0, 0, 290, 170, 0, "AU Optronics", "0x282B", 0)
[4229378.116] wl_output#11.mode(1, 3840, 2160, 60002)
[4229378.120] wl_output#11.scale(2)
[4229378.122] wl_output#11.name("eDP-1")
[4229378.124] wl_output#11.description("AU Optronics 0x282B (eDP-1)")
[4229378.128] wl_output#11.done()
[4229378.183] wl_output#12.geometry(0, 0, 510, 290, 0, "Dell Inc.", "DELL P2317H", 0)
[4229378.190] wl_output#12.mode(1, 1920, 1080, 60000)
[4229378.193] wl_output#12.scale(1)
[4229378.195] wl_output#12.name("DP-1")
[4229378.198] wl_output#12.description("Dell Inc. DELL P2317H KGR9N762369B (DP-1 via HDMI)")
[4229378.200] wl_output#12.done()
[4229378.203] wl_callback#3.done(619)
[4229378.210]  -> wl_registry#2.bind(36, "zwp_primary_selection_device_manager_v1", 1, new id [unknown]#3)
[4229378.330]  -> zwp_primary_selection_device_manager_v1#3.get_device(new id zwp_primary_selection_device_v1#14, wl_seat#10)
[4229378.342]  -> wl_seat#10.get_keyboard(new id wl_keyboard#15)
[4229378.353]  -> zwp_text_input_manager_v3#5.get_text_input(new id zwp_text_input_v3#16, wl_seat#10)
[4229378.361]  -> wl_seat#10.get_pointer(new id wl_pointer#17)
[4229378.371]  -> wl_compositor#7.create_surface(new id wl_surface#18)
[4229378.376]  -> wl_data_device_manager#9.get_data_device(new id wl_data_device#19, wl_seat#10)
[4229378.379]  -> zwp_primary_selection_device_manager_v1#3.get_device(new id zwp_primary_selection_device_v1#20, wl_seat#10)
[4229378.404]  -> wl_shm#6.create_pool(new id wl_shm_pool#21, fd 11, 4096)
[4229385.441] wl_keyboard#15.keymap(1, fd 21, 64754)
[4229394.085] wl_keyboard#15.repeat_info(25, 600)
[4229413.359]  -> wl_compositor#7.create_surface(new id wl_surface#22)
[4229413.385]  -> wl_registry#2.bind(38, "xdg_wm_base", 2, new id [unknown]#23)
[4229413.415]  -> wl_shm#6.create_pool(new id wl_shm_pool#24, fd 23, 4096)
[4229413.437]  -> wl_shm#6.create_pool(new id wl_shm_pool#25, fd 25, 4096)
[4229413.451]  -> xdg_wm_base#23.get_xdg_surface(new id xdg_surface#26, wl_surface#22)
[4229413.459]  -> xdg_surface#26.get_toplevel(new id xdg_toplevel#27)
[4229413.465]  -> wl_surface#22.commit()
[4229413.471]  -> xdg_toplevel#27.set_min_size(2, 1)
[4229413.476]  -> xdg_surface#26.set_window_geometry(0, 0, 1220, 682)
[4229413.483]  -> wl_compositor#7.create_surface(new id wl_surface#28)
[4229413.489]  -> wl_seat#10.get_pointer(new id wl_pointer#29)
[4229413.502]  -> zxdg_decoration_manager_v1#4.get_toplevel_decoration(new id zxdg_toplevel_decoration_v1#30, xdg_toplevel#27)
[4229413.510]  -> xdg_toplevel#27.set_app_id("org.wezfurlong.wezterm")
[4229413.514]  -> xdg_toplevel#27.set_min_size(2, 1)
[4229413.519]  -> xdg_toplevel#27.set_max_size(0, 0)
[4229413.524]  -> xdg_toplevel#27.set_title("wezterm")
[4229413.529]  -> zxdg_toplevel_decoration_v1#30.unset_mode()
[4229413.534]  -> xdg_toplevel#27.set_min_size(32, 32)
[4229413.894] zxdg_toplevel_decoration_v1#30.configure(2)
[4229413.907] xdg_toplevel#27.configure(960, 1032, array[0])
[4229413.913] xdg_surface#26.configure(620)
[4229413.918]  -> xdg_surface#26.ack_configure(620)
[4229413.933]  -> xdg_surface#26.set_window_geometry(0, 0, 960, 1032)
[4229422.033]  -> wl_surface#22.commit()
[4229422.046]  -> wl_surface#22.frame(new id wl_callback#31)
[4229424.174] {mesa egl display queue}  -> wl_display#1.get_registry(new id wl_registry#32)
[4229424.184] {mesa egl display queue}  -> wl_display#1.sync(new id wl_callback#33)
[4229424.329] {Display Queue} wl_display#1.delete_id(33)
[4229424.337] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(1, "wp_tearing_control_manager_v1", 1)
[4229424.341] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(2, "wp_fractional_scale_manager_v1", 1)
[4229424.343] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(3, "zxdg_output_manager_v1", 3)
[4229424.346] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(4, "wp_cursor_shape_manager_v1", 1)
[4229424.348] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(5, "zwp_idle_inhibit_manager_v1", 1)
[4229424.350] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(6, "zwp_relative_pointer_manager_v1", 1)
[4229424.352] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(7, "zxdg_decoration_manager_v1", 1)
[4229424.354] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(8, "wp_alpha_modifier_v1", 1)
[4229424.356] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(9, "zwlr_gamma_control_manager_v1", 1)
[4229424.358] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(10, "ext_foreign_toplevel_list_v1", 1)
[4229424.361] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(11, "zwp_pointer_gestures_v1", 3)
[4229424.363] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(12, "zwlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1", 3)
[4229424.365] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(13, "zwp_keyboard_shortcuts_inhibit_manager_v1", 1)
[4229424.367] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(14, "zwp_text_input_manager_v3", 1)
[4229424.369] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(15, "zwp_pointer_constraints_v1", 1)
[4229424.373] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(16, "zwlr_output_power_manager_v1", 1)
[4229424.376] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(17, "xdg_activation_v1", 1)
[4229424.379] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(18, "ext_idle_notifier_v1", 1)
[4229424.382] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(19, "ext_session_lock_manager_v1", 1)
[4229424.386] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(20, "zwp_input_method_manager_v2", 1)
[4229424.389] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(21, "zwp_virtual_keyboard_manager_v1", 1)
[4229424.391] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(22, "zwlr_virtual_pointer_manager_v1", 2)
[4229424.394] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(23, "zwlr_output_manager_v1", 4)
[4229424.397] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(24, "hyprland_toplevel_export_manager_v1", 2)
[4229424.400] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(25, "zwp_text_input_manager_v1", 1)
[4229424.402] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(26, "hyprland_global_shortcuts_manager_v1", 1)
[4229424.405] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(27, "zwlr_screencopy_manager_v1", 3)
[4229424.408] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(28, "wl_shm", 1)
[4229424.410] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(29, "wl_drm", 2)
[4229424.413] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(30, "zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1", 4)
[4229424.416] {mesa egl display queue}  -> wl_registry#32.bind(30, "zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1", 4, new id [unknown]#34)
[4229424.420] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(31, "wl_compositor", 6)
[4229424.423] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(32, "wl_subcompositor", 1)
[4229424.425] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(33, "wl_data_device_manager", 3)
[4229424.428] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(34, "zwlr_export_dmabuf_manager_v1", 1)
[4229424.430] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(35, "zwlr_data_control_manager_v1", 2)
[4229424.433] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(36, "zwp_primary_selection_device_manager_v1", 1)
[4229424.436] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(37, "wp_viewporter", 1)
[4229424.438] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(38, "xdg_wm_base", 6)
[4229424.441] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(39, "wl_seat", 9)
[4229424.444] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(40, "wp_presentation", 1)
[4229424.447] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(41, "zwlr_layer_shell_v1", 4)
[4229424.450] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(42, "org_kde_kwin_server_decoration_manager", 1)
[4229424.452] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(43, "wp_drm_lease_device_v1", 1)
[4229424.455] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(44, "zwp_tablet_manager_v2", 1)
[4229424.458] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(45, "zxdg_exporter_v1", 1)
[4229424.460] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(46, "zxdg_importer_v1", 1)
[4229424.463] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(47, "zxdg_exporter_v2", 1)
[4229424.465] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(48, "zxdg_importer_v2", 1)
[4229424.468] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(49, "wp_single_pixel_buffer_manager_v1", 1)
[4229424.471] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(50, "xwayland_shell_v1", 1)
[4229424.473] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(51, "wl_output", 4)
[4229424.476] {mesa egl display queue} wl_registry#32.global(52, "wl_output", 4)
[4229424.478] {mesa egl display queue} wl_callback#33.done(620)
[4229424.481] {mesa egl display queue}  -> zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1#34.get_default_feedback(new id zwp_linux_dmabuf_feedback_v1#33)
[4229424.485] {mesa egl display queue}  -> wl_display#1.sync(new id wl_callback#35)
[4229425.616] {Display Queue} wl_display#1.delete_id(35)
[4229425.625] {mesa egl display queue} zwp_linux_dmabuf_feedback_v1#33.main_device(array[8])
[4229425.791] {mesa egl display queue} zwp_linux_dmabuf_feedback_v1#33.format_table(fd 23, 3152)
[4229425.801] {mesa egl display queue} zwp_linux_dmabuf_feedback_v1#33.tranche_target_device(array[8])
[4229425.804] {mesa egl display queue} zwp_linux_dmabuf_feedback_v1#33.tranche_flags(0)
[4229425.807] {mesa egl display queue} zwp_linux_dmabuf_feedback_v1#33.tranche_formats(array[394])
[4229425.815] {mesa egl display queue} zwp_linux_dmabuf_feedback_v1#33.tranche_done()
[4229425.817] {mesa egl display queue} zwp_linux_dmabuf_feedback_v1#33.done()
[4229425.819] {mesa egl display queue} wl_callback#35.done(620)
[4229425.823] {mesa egl display queue}  -> zwp_linux_dmabuf_feedback_v1#33.destroy()
[4229444.340] {mesa egl surface queue}  -> zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1#34.get_surface_feedback(new id zwp_linux_dmabuf_feedback_v1#35, wl_surface#22)
[4229444.354] {mesa egl display queue}  -> wl_display#1.sync(new id wl_callback#36)
[4229444.449] {Display Queue} wl_display#1.delete_id(33)
[4229444.458] {Display Queue} wl_display#1.delete_id(36)
[4229444.460] {mesa egl display queue} wl_callback#36.done(620)
[4229445.644] {mesa egl surface queue} zwp_linux_dmabuf_feedback_v1#35.main_device(array[8])
[4229445.651] {mesa egl surface queue} zwp_linux_dmabuf_feedback_v1#35.format_table(fd 28, 3152)
[4229445.659] {mesa egl surface queue} zwp_linux_dmabuf_feedback_v1#35.tranche_target_device(array[8])
[4229445.662] {mesa egl surface queue} zwp_linux_dmabuf_feedback_v1#35.tranche_flags(0)
[4229445.664] {mesa egl surface queue} zwp_linux_dmabuf_feedback_v1#35.tranche_formats(array[394])
[4229445.669] {mesa egl surface queue} zwp_linux_dmabuf_feedback_v1#35.tranche_done()
[4229445.672] {mesa egl surface queue} zwp_linux_dmabuf_feedback_v1#35.done()
[4229582.240]  -> xdg_toplevel#27.set_title("zsh")
[4229582.250]  -> wl_surface#22.commit()
[4229591.874]  -> xdg_toplevel#27.set_title("~")
[4229591.886]  -> wl_surface#22.commit()

Anything else?

No response

John-Dennehy commented 5 days ago

Same issue on version 20240203-110809-5046fc22 using Hyprland on OpenSuse Tumbleweedl.

alexschomb commented 4 days ago

Same issue with NixOS, wayland and Hyprland running this configuration: https://github.com/XNM1/linux-nixos-hyprland-config-dotfiles

Verison of wayland is also 20240203-110809-5046fc22

Setting enable_wayland = false (or true) doesn't help. wezterm just doesn't display anything at all. The debug log is very similar to the one in the first post.

sbatial commented 3 days ago

Can any of you open it while having your mouse over a floating window? That's what I discovered and it might be related/lead to a solution.

alexschomb commented 3 days ago

Can any of you open it while having your mouse over a floating window? That's what I discovered and it might be related/lead to a solution.

Interesting, you're totally right. When focusing a floating window wezterm does open.

Notarin commented 1 day ago

Can any of you open it while having your mouse over a floating window? That's what I discovered and it might be related/lead to a solution.

Wow, I'm honestly baffled at this discovery, firstly, kudos to you, what an exciting discovery, I cannot imagine I would have found this in a million years, and if I ever did, the day I did I would be so phenomenally full of myself. More importantly, I did some messing around, my initial theory was some sort of disagreement about spawning the window, but then I had it crash post spawn&usage, the steps that I suppose led to it was me "un-floating" the window(s). I thought that would be a pretty good source of insight, however, I cannot reproduce it again, so I believe it to be a fluke. I plan to poke around and see if I see anything.

EDIT: weirdly enough, it works completely fine when compiled from source, perhaps this may be resolved? Pretty confident this is fixed already, the version I compiled works just fine and the I also installed wezterm-git and it worked just fine, contrary to the version in the repos.

MangoIV commented 19 hours ago

for me (also hyprland) it doesn't open when I'm on fractional scaling but it does open on non-fractional 2x scaling.

floating window "fixes" it