wfxr / forgit

:zzz: A utility tool powered by fzf for using git interactively.
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[Warn] Config options have to be exported in future versions of forgit. #359

Closed Pirols closed 3 months ago

Pirols commented 3 months ago

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Problem / Steps to reproduce

Every time I open a terminal, I get the following warning message:

[Warn] Config options have to be exported in future versions of forgit.
[Warn] Please update your config accordingly:
[Warn]   export FORGIT_INSTALL_DIR

The only relevant line I have in my .zshrc is source "/usr/share/zsh/plugins/forgit/forgit.plugin.zsh".

set -x | grep FORGIT_ shows that no variable is set. It somehow seems that these lines do not export the variable. Any ideas? :thinking:

wfxr commented 3 months ago

I cannot repro this problem. @carlfriedrich Can you help take a look?

Pirols commented 3 months ago

I cannot repro this problem. @carlfriedrich Can you help take a look?

I found the culprit! I was aliasing grep to rg! A bad idea from younger me. Thanks for taking the time to try to reproduce this.