we are trying to use linemod to detect a white mug.
After training with the mesh model from https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/8a6712961d81f6843a8e51534d260c09/popular-mug-IKEA-F%C3%84RGRIK (we have modified the model since there are two mugs on it), linemod can only find the mug randomly and if it does, only from a camera distance larger than 1m. We tried to rescale it to a similar size of the coke.stl from the tutorial, but it worked even worse. Do you have any idea why it doesn't work?
we are trying to use linemod to detect a white mug. After training with the mesh model from https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/8a6712961d81f6843a8e51534d260c09/popular-mug-IKEA-F%C3%84RGRIK (we have modified the model since there are two mugs on it), linemod can only find the mug randomly and if it does, only from a camera distance larger than 1m. We tried to rescale it to a similar size of the coke.stl from the tutorial, but it worked even worse. Do you have any idea why it doesn't work?