wg-perception / object_recognition_core

The core of object recognition, where the development now happens
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Finding planes #52

Closed ahuo002 closed 6 years ago

ahuo002 commented 6 years ago

No topic under OrkTable in the rviz after 'rosrun object_recognition_core detection -c rospack find object_recognition_tabletop/conf/detection.table.ros.ork'. The same as OrkObject... why? It seems erverything is Ok, I did step by step, Install,Tutorials...

hris2003 commented 6 years ago

Without input sample (i.e. Do you have a rosbag of the scene you're using to test tabletop?), we can not be of help here.

ahuo002 commented 6 years ago

@hris2003 step1, tsep2... then "rosrun object_recognition_core detection -c rospack find object_recognition_tabletop/conf/detection.table.ros.ork". Could I see the topic "table_array" or something else, if I run "rostopic list". But nothing about "detection".

hris2003 commented 6 years ago

What do you get with rostopic echo /table_array ?

ahuo002 commented 6 years ago

@hris2003 WARNING: topic [/table_array] does not appear to be published yet

hris2003 commented 6 years ago

And the 3D cloud? Can you see it in rviz?

ahuo002 commented 6 years ago

@hris2003 Yes. I can find "table_array" in the codes, I don't how the node to publish this topic?

hris2003 commented 6 years ago

What are you trying to do with tabletop? If you want to understand how it works, I recommend you to read about ecto (http://plasmodic.github.io/ecto/) and other hyperlinks in the main page (https://wg-perception.github.io/object_recognition_core/).

ahuo002 commented 6 years ago

@hris2003 Thank you very much, I will read those codes. But now I just want to use it.

hris2003 commented 6 years ago

Well, if you want to use it, then just follow the tutorial of tabletop (http://wg-perception.github.io/tabletop/index.html#tabletop). Which part of it bugs you? I would recommend you to focus on the parameters explanation part (http://wg-perception.github.io/tabletop/index.html#manage-tabletop-s-input-parameters).

ahuo002 commented 6 years ago

@hris2003 Thank you, I will follow the tutorial of tabletop, than read about ecto.

ahuo002 commented 6 years ago

@hris2003 I know what is wrong. I should modify the file of "detection.table.ros.ork" .(/opt/ros/indigo/share/object_recognition_tabletop/conf/). { (http://wg-perception.github.io/tabletop/index.html#tabletop) }

hris2003 commented 6 years ago

Great! I close the issue then.