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Training new legs #92

Closed Axelito95 closed 3 years ago

Axelito95 commented 3 years ago


I would like to create a new training file. I didn't found a documentation about the legs training. I just found train_leg_detector.cpp to compile and run.

Firstly i would like to know what type inputs and files it take in parameters. the data input could be just a bagfile of my lidar?

Second, should i run the trainer with all arguments ?

Exemple : ./trainer --train file.bag --neg file2.bag --test file3.bag --save

Have u some suggestions to make a good training?

DLu commented 3 years ago

As noted on the wiki, retraining is unsupported at this time. So at this time, I don't have any useful suggestions.

Axelito95 commented 3 years ago

ok thanks