When I am trying to use ORK Capture, and the inverted dot pattern to scan my own red Coke can in real world(not using the mesh file provided by tutorial), everything goes well until I run:
rosrun object_recognition_reconstruction mesh_object --all --visualize --commit
Then I get a very short one line error message:
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
If I ignore this error and continue to run training command, no error is raised:
And then if I continue to run the detecting command, rosrun object_recognition_core detection -c `rospack find object_recognition_tabletop`/conf/detection.table.ros.ork --visualize
, I get a message:
[ INFO] [1540954146.810071742]: publishing to topic:/table_array
No models found for method "mesh"
[ INFO] [1540954146.873466802]: publishing to topic:/recognized_object_array
then I run rostopic echo /recognized_object_array, I get:
When I am trying to use ORK Capture, and the inverted dot pattern to scan my own red Coke can in real world(not using the mesh file provided by tutorial), everything goes well until I run:
rosrun object_recognition_reconstruction mesh_object --all --visualize --commit
Then I get a very short one line error message:Segmentation fault (core dumped)
If I ignore this error and continue to run training command, no error is raised:And then if I continue to run the detecting command,
rosrun object_recognition_core detection -c `rospack find object_recognition_tabletop`/conf/detection.table.ros.ork --visualize
, I get a message:then I run
rostopic echo /recognized_object_array
, I get:the objects array is empty, which means no object is found when I point my Kinect camera to the red Coke can.
I can successfully run the tutorial Object Recognition Using Tabletop to detect a physical red Coke can, using the mesh file provided by the tutorial.
Here's the workflow I am using:
5) rosrun object_recognition_reconstruction mesh_object --all --visualize --commit # error raises
Thanks in advance!