wgaylord / AutoCrafters

Bug tracker for AutoCrafters
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when you break the autocrafters they lose thier lore and work like a normal dispenser #23

Closed yiddir23 closed 7 months ago

yiddir23 commented 1 year ago

MC Version : 1.19

Plugin Version : 2.0.2

The problem? : Crafters lose their lore whenever they are broken

What you expect to happen : they don't lose thier lore and you should be able to use them again

What actually happened : you can't use them as a crafter it's just a normal dispenser

Steps to reproduce.

wgaylord commented 1 year ago

I being out of town this weekend but on Monday I will try and get an update out for 1.19. I haven't touched the plugin at all in a while.

wgaylord commented 1 year ago

Also btw do you have any thing in the server logs? (Also if you could post the data.json from the autocrafters folder in the plugins folder that would be great.

wgaylord commented 7 months ago

Fixed in latest release