Closed wingetja closed 9 years ago This alert system is unique since the system is compact, easily portable allowing divers and peoples with limited technology to either record the status of reefs on their environs or track weather and urgent bleaching issues, then report to largr organizations such as the one listed ubove. here is the data information page.
U.N. multi stakeholder partnership june 2015 information regarding project: Wgdesign is a technology partner, with experience in the deign and implementation of software products, specializing in forecasting and probability, with partners, Nupic, and Esri mapping we will continue to develop the product. This is also dependant on the original project development with the FishHackathon. This technology application can be used very easily in a vessel designed for oceanic watching, eco servicing. The data is furnished through severalmoceanic agency, and weather services including N.A.S.A.
Wgdesign is a womwn owned technology partnership.
Here are the screenshots for the Coral Reef hotspot project. Here we have captured data from the Hawaiian Island area, nd set up an early alert system to determine potential damaging effects of temp warming. With these alerts it is hoped that biologist will have time to implement emergency protocol in the reefs.