wger-project / wger

Self hosted FLOSS fitness/workout, nutrition and weight tracker
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Low Google PageSpeed Insights score #224

Open romansp opened 9 years ago

romansp commented 9 years ago

Currently http://wger.de gets 51/100 for desktop and 44/100 for mobile https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwger.de&tab=mobile


If I submit a PR that improves it up without doing anything weird will you take a look at it?

rolandgeider commented 9 years ago

Sure, everything that makes the application faster is appreciated! However there are some things are just not in our hands:

These are possible!

If you need to install a new django app for some of these, go ahead, if it is a well maintained one, there is no problem here.

romansp commented 9 years ago

I've submitted PR, that deals with css minification and optimizes several .png files. That should improve Google PageSpeed Insights score.

Now, I'd like to try integrate some front-end build tools like grunt/gulp, so all front-end optimization stuff could be done on project build automatically. E.g.:

And finally generate neat build folder where all the generated files will be stored. Afterwards reference those resources in templates.

So, if you don't mind I would like to do it in separate branch and submit another PR.

rolandgeider commented 9 years ago

I'd be specially interested in minifying images and svg. I think the concatenation of CSS and JS works alreadz fine with django_compressor (plus it's automatic!) thanks to your other pull request.

Have you worked with less/sass before? I have always avoided it because there is not so much custom CSS and I thought that having another compilation step was unnecessary.

Besides that, if those evil things from the repo can be done easily that'd be awesome. Do you know if they are optional? Having a build step for deployment is OK but if it's also necessary during development for each change it would be less... optimal :)

rolandgeider commented 9 years ago

I also just activated browser caching for wger.de static files

romansp commented 9 years ago

:+1: So svg and images will be very useful.

I've worked with less a lot. It's very easy to get into it, because you can just rename your .css to .less and here you go. For less preprocessor existing CSS code is absolutely valid, so you can rework CSS to less later.

It can be useful even when it's not so much custom CSS. It provides variables, nesting and bubbling, mixins, functions, operations, imports. All this helps to keep less (css) very tidy and modular.

Of course all this steps are completely optional and you decide what your want. Regarding this evil step from repo - it is not very common, but powerful front-end optimization, when you so-called 'cricital CSS' (for elements that will be displayed on page load) is inlined inside head tag. For example http://www.smashingmagazine.com does it.

Usually all these tools offer 'watch' option, so changes during development trigger resource recompilation. Have a look.

rolandgeider commented 9 years ago

ah, ok, so we could for example have file.less and it would be then compiled to file.css. That regular CSS is also valid less is of course cool, no need to change everything at once.