wgnet / webium

Webium is a Page Object pattern implementation library for Python (http://martinfowler.com/bliki/PageObject.html). It allows you to extend WebElement class to your custom controls like Link, Button and group them as pages.
Apache License 2.0
161 stars 37 forks source link

TypeError: Object of type 'Checkbox' is not JSON serializable #20

Open AlexanderGrigoryev opened 6 years ago

AlexanderGrigoryev commented 6 years ago

This code work in Google Chrome and raise TypeError in Mozilla Firefox:

from selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement import WebElement

class Clickable(WebElement):
      """ Clickable class from webium """

class Checkbox(Clickable):
      """ Checkbox class from webium """

This code work in Google Chrome and in Mozilla Firefox:

from selenium.webdriver.firefox.webelement import FirefoxWebElement as WebElement

class Clickable(WebElement):
      """ Clickable class from webium """

class Checkbox(WebElement):
      """ Checkbox class from webium """

Versions of tools:

webium 1.2.1           Google Chrome 68.0.3440.84 (64-бит)        Mozilla Firefox 61.0.1 (64-бит)
selenium 3.14.0        chromedriver 2.41 (32-бит)                 geckodriver 0.21.0 (64-бит)