wgnhs / lslc-web-app

Web Application for the viewing the WGNHS Lake Superior Legacy Collection
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leaflet versions- working with esri-leaflet and zoomify... #58

Closed cmrRose closed 7 years ago

cmrRose commented 7 years ago

Esri-Leaflet works with Leaflet from this CDN: https://unpkg.com/leaflet@1.0.3/dist/leaflet.css

Zoomify was working with a local copy of Leaflet in the /lib folder. 2013? Unspecified version.

Ideally, we use npm to manage the leaflet version anyway.

cmrRose commented 7 years ago

Using the new version of Leaflet causes this error: "TypeError: this.getPane(...) is undefined" which seems to be connected to line 49 of zoomify_layer.js: "ZoomifyLayer.super.onAdd.call(this, map);"

cmrRose commented 7 years ago

Blog about zoomify: http://blog.mastermaps.com/2013/06/showing-zoomify-images-with-leaflet.html

Zoomify Github repo: https://github.com/turban/Leaflet.Zoomify

cmrRose commented 7 years ago

Another version of the Zoomify js: https://github.com/thunfischbrot/Leaflet.Zoomify/blob/master/L.TileLayer.Zoomify.js

cmrRose commented 7 years ago

Instead of Zoomify, there is a built in Leaflet solution called Image Overlay, which can use the full-resolution image instead of the tile-set. http://leafletjs.com/examples/crs-simple/crs-simple.html

This allows us to use the single full-res image instead of storing a tileset.