wgrand08 / tether

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Eliminate PIL dependency #217

Closed GoogleCodeExporter closed 9 years ago

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
Currently MoonPy has 3  non integrated dependencies, python, pygame, & PIL.
When project tether was first started it was planned to have no non
integrated dependencies beyond python and pygame. PIL, twisted, & zope were
required by openRTS and are a necessary holdover from that engine. Twisted
and zope are able to be integrated into the MoonPy code itself and are
crucial to the network/client system used by the game. PIL is only used by
tileset.py, minimap.py for creating the minimap image and
processing/converting the .png images used for all the graphics. Pygame is
capable of working with graphics directly and although it would be
difficult it is possible to eliminate PIL completely. This will not only
make MoonPy more efficient but it will be easier for new users to run as
well as improve compatibility with different architectures. For example
right now PIL will not install on the 64bit version of python for windows,
users must use the 32bit version of python for windows instead. 

Original issue reported on code.google.com by Donkyhotae on 21 Jan 2010 at 1:50

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
This issue is blocking two other issues and is very inconvenient all around
(especially with installations). If PIL is going to be eliminated then it 
should be
done before too much more work on the graphics systems. 

Original comment by Donkyhotae on 26 Feb 2010 at 4:04

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
Work on this issue has begun

Original comment by Donkyhotae on 27 Feb 2010 at 2:12

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
I've made some progress, although the right panel looks completely messed up. 
It is
now possible to play MoonPy without PIL installed. A side benefit of this is 
that the
'edge lines' artifacts around the buildings doesn't show up which makes the 
game look
better. Downside is it will take some reconfiguring in order to make this look 

Original comment by Donkyhotae on 28 Feb 2010 at 7:16

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
PIL has successfully been removed and MoonPy is still able to run. There are 
graphical abnormalities caused by this that need to be fixed but this specific 
has been resolved. 

Original comment by Donkyhotae on 1 Mar 2010 at 5:16

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago

Original comment by Donkyhotae on 1 Mar 2010 at 12:49