wgrathwohl / JEM

Project site for "Your Classifier is Secretly an Energy-Based Model and You Should Treat it Like One"
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Training time 36 hours #7

Open divymurli opened 3 years ago

divymurli commented 3 years ago


I'm trying to to run the JEM training algorithm in train_wrn_ebm.py, using

python train_wrn_ebm.py --lr .0001 --dataset cifar10 --optimizer adam --p_x_weight 1.0 --p_y_given_x_weight 1.0 --p_x_y_weight 0.0 --sigma .03 --width 10 --depth 28 --save_dir /YOUR/SAVE/DIR --plot_uncond --warmup_iters 1000.

However, it's taking about ~2.2s/iteration which works out to at least ~80 hours of training time, (assuming at least 700 steps per epoch for a train batch size of 64 for CIFAR10) rather than 36 as stated in the paper (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1912.03263.pdf, pg 4). Running on a p3.2xlarge instance on AWS. Could you please help explain the discrepancy?


sndnyang commented 3 years ago

I also found this. The code takes ~ 0.5 hour per epoch on a single GPU(Xp, RTX, v100) and 150 epochs should take 75 hours.

mawjdgus0812 commented 1 year ago

I also found this.

I just have a question, Is this normal ?