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Thursday Night Hacks #62

Open kdmcclin opened 8 years ago

kdmcclin commented 8 years ago

I was talking with a few folks at the hackathon this past weekend and floated the idea of doing occasional hack nights separate from any individual language lab. I've heard attendees mention wanting more hack nights, and while this doesn't obviate the need for language labs to have an occasional hack night (particularly labs with regular attendees), this might help us retain members of the WWCDC community. I'm thinking in particular about those who don't feel like they're enough of a beginner to attend some tech talks/git talks/first timer's nights, though people of all levels could benefit.

Doing this on an occasional Thursday makes sense to not clash with language labs. The biggest question that's come out of the initial discussion is whether to have a more general hack night or a specific one (like a mobile hack night for iOS, Android, mobile web, others). The pros and cons that I can remember having come up are:

General Hack Night

image pros:




mkmckenzie commented 8 years ago

I like this! It would be good to do maybe once a month and try to have one lead from each language lab to encourage more interaction among leads too. I <3 my ruby friends but I would like to hang out with other WWC people too! This might also be a good venue for things like intro to git, or in-depth git talks, maybe reviews of different front-end frameworks that everyone can benefit from - but lightning-talk style so we still have time to hack. 😸

mkmckenzie commented 8 years ago

but wait can it be general lab night and more importantly can we have a dog in a little general's outfit (<< this is the more important comment)

kdmcclin commented 8 years ago

My inclination, though it's certainly just one voice in this, is to keep it separate as a hack night from any tech talks. My concern with trying to combine git talks (for example) with this hack night would be that it would end up being not fully either. Thursdays are our night for general tech talks and other things that don't fit into (or overflow) the context of the language labs and could still be used for that kind of thing.