wh200720041 / floam

Fast LOAM: Fast and Optimized Lidar Odometry And Mapping for indoor/outdoor localization IROS 2021
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How can I get your colored pointcoud as your video? #44

Open nonlinear1 opened 3 years ago

nonlinear1 commented 3 years ago

I have test your floam, It is very good. I want to get the same colored pointlouded as your video. How can I got the pointcloud? Is the source codes is open? Thank you very much!

ZeyingXuHuaWei commented 3 years ago

also want to know

flynneva commented 3 years ago

assuming you have a fused XYZRGB pointcloud as an input, to do it "quickly" you'd have to replace all the PointXYZI's with PointXYZRGB in the source code.

to do this "the right way" the PointXYZI type should be templated as PointT to work with any pointcloud input.

RalphCodesTheInternet commented 3 years ago

Would you mind giving more information on how to do this?

flynneva commented 3 years ago

@RalphCodesTheInternet sure, just give me a few days to find some time

w8128835 commented 1 year ago

hello,I've seen that you taught @RalphCodesTheInternet about how to change the data type. I think I should put the rgb data into pointXYZRGB,then it could make sense right? Could you please tell me how to get rgb data with pointCloud? Is there any program that can combine rgb images and pointcloud together?

flynneva commented 1 year ago

@w8128835 apologies for never following up here but I did answer this topic, just on another thread and I forgot to link to it here:


Hope that helps.

w8128835 commented 1 year ago

thank you very much