wh200720041 / iscloam

Intensity Scan Context based full SLAM implementation for autonomous driving. ICRA 2020
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Error When running iscloam.launch #12

Open wang-yu-yang opened 3 years ago

wang-yu-yang commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your excellent work. I tried to use the dataset to reproduce your algorithm. I used KITTI Raw Data 2011_09_30_drive_0027_sync, which was converted into a rosbag file by kitti_to_rosbag. After the program was successfully installed, I encountered the following problems, I did not change other parameters. When I ran the iscloam.launch file, the following problems appeared. I used PCL1.8.1, Opencv3.4.9, GTSAM4.0.3, Ceres1.14, Do you know how to solve it ?

... logging to /home/ubuntu/.ros/log/c61b096c-d3b6-11ea-8bf8-34de1af975b3/roslaunch-ubuntu-CW65S-29499.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://localhost:38889/



NODES /odom_final/ trajectory_server_loam (hector_trajectory_server/hector_trajectory_server) /gt/ trajectory_server_loam (hector_trajectory_server/hector_trajectory_server) / iscloam_isc_generation_node (iscloam/iscloam_isc_generation_node) iscloam_isc_optimization_node (iscloam/iscloam_isc_optimization_node) iscloam_laser_processing_node (iscloam/iscloam_laser_processing_node) iscloam_odom_estimation_node (iscloam/iscloam_odom_estimation_node) rosbag_play (rosbag/play) rviz (rviz/rviz) word2map_tf (tf/static_transform_publisher)

auto-starting new master process[master]: started with pid [29509] ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311

setting /run_id to c61b096c-d3b6-11ea-8bf8-34de1af975b3 process[rosout-1]: started with pid [29522] started core service [/rosout] process[rosbag_play-2]: started with pid [29525] process[iscloam_odom_estimation_node-3]: started with pid [29527] process[iscloam_laser_processing_node-4]: started with pid [29537] process[iscloam_isc_generation_node-5]: started with pid [29554] process[iscloam_isc_optimization_node-6]: started with pid [29561] process[word2map_tf-7]: started with pid [29565] process[rviz-8]: started with pid [29570] process[gt/trajectory_server_loam-9]: started with pid [29584] process[odom_final/trajectory_server_loam-10]: started with pid [29587] The ISC parameters are:20 number of rings: 20 number of sectors: 60 maximum distance: 40 [ INFO] [1596259257.372484322, 1317357625.605306247]: odom inited [ WARN] [1596259257.384661902, 1317357625.610353380]: intensity is 0.090000, if intensity showed here is integer format between 1-255, please uncomment #define INTEGER_INTENSITY in iscGenerationClass.cpp and recompile [iscloam_odom_estimation_node-3] process has died [pid 29527, exit code -11, cmd /home/ubuntu/iscloam_ws/devel/lib/iscloam/iscloam_odom_estimation_node __name:=iscloam_odom_estimation_node __log:=/home/ubuntu/.ros/log/c61b096c-d3b6-11ea-8bf8-34de1af975b3/iscloam_odom_estimation_node-3.log]. log file: /home/ubuntu/.ros/log/c61b096c-d3b6-11ea-8bf8-34de1af975b3/iscloam_odom_estimation_node-3*.log

wh200720041 commented 3 years ago

Hi @wang-yu-yang

Thank you for posting question here.

However, I couldn't find any error message from your log. Perhaps you may want to provide more information here.

You can test using the rosbag provided in this project first and then switch to your own rosbag (you can find the download link in description).

I think your library version is correct, the only bug I know is that if you use your own build pcl, not by sudo apt-get install xxx, it may cause some error. However, error message will pop up in that case.

Let me know anything I can help

Regards Han

wang-yu-yang commented 3 years ago

Thank you very much for your reply. I am using the data set you provided. The situation I encountered is such that the final_path cannot be displayed in Rviz. I canceled the display of ground_truth and only displayed the final_path. I can see that no trace is displayed in rviz, but the content displayed in the terminal is as follows: 屏幕截图 2020-08-02 14:35:52 iscloam_error

wh200720041 commented 3 years ago

It seems that the odom estimation node is down. Unfortunately based on your screenshot I cant find the error since no error msg pop up. Perhaps you can use ROS_INFO or printf to check where the error happens, so that I could follow up.

bene-yan commented 3 years ago

I had the same question, and I found that when the first loop-closure detected, rviz can not receive "final_path" topic anymore. But I can't figure out why, Could it be that my PC don't have enough RAM(only 4GB) ?

WangLu180 commented 1 year ago

@bene-yan Me,too.have you solve the problem yet?