wh200720041 / iscloam

Intensity Scan Context based full SLAM implementation for autonomous driving. ICRA 2020
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Map result iscloam #22

Closed cristianrubioa closed 2 years ago

cristianrubioa commented 3 years ago

Hi :) @wh200720041 I keep testing your algorithm.

When I get the map from iscloam I have a poor result compared to floam. iscloam: Screen Shot 2021-04-16 at 6 08 46 AM floam: Screen Shot 2021-04-16 at 6 09 00 AM

I subscribe to /map and get a .pcd file. I test these two ways: (1)

rosrun pcl_ros pointcloud_to_pcd input:=/map 


rosbag record -o <name> /map
rosrun pcl_ros bag_to_pcd <rosbag_name.bag> /map pcd

Your explanation will be of great help to me.

Oyssster commented 3 years ago

@cristianrubioa Hello, I can't run the code properly, so can you tell me the version of you PCL, Ceres and Gtsam?

cristianrubioa commented 3 years ago

@Oyssster Hello, the versions are. PCL: 1.8 Ceres: 2.0 GTSAM: 4.0.3

Oyssster commented 3 years ago

@Oyssster Hello, the versions are. PCL: 1.8 Ceres: 2.0 GTSAM: 4.0.3

It's so nice to receive this message. Thank you very much!

cristianrubioa commented 2 years ago

Solution to this issue:

Change "downsampling size" in "laserMappingClass.cpp"