wh200720041 / ssl_slam2

SSL_SLAM2: Lightweight 3-D Localization and Mapping for Solid-State LiDAR (mapping and localization separated) ICRA 2021
GNU General Public License v3.0
392 stars 71 forks source link

Loading saved PCD file for localization #10

Open rahulsharma11 opened 3 years ago

rahulsharma11 commented 3 years ago

Hi, Thanks for the awesome project. I am working with l515 lidar (live sensor).

As i am not working with bag files, so i made few changes in ssl_slam2_mapping.launch- 1) Removed first 2 lines that requires .bag file and replaced it with rs_camera.lauch file. As in SSL_SLAM.

2) It worked and i saved the generated map as PCD with command- rosrun pcl_ros pointcloud_to_pcd input:=/map

How can i use that PCD file to be loaded for ssl_slam2_localization? currently it requires bag file.

Also i have out of box querry- If i want to know there is any object placed in front within 1-2 meter. Is there any way i can implement in code just to get information like something is there in realtime?


rahulsharma11 commented 3 years ago

Hi, both problems are solved.

Can you suggest me my out of box querry?

Also you have mentioned that we need to trigger loop closure manually... Is there any command to do that?