wh201906 / Proxmark3GUI

A cross-platform GUI for Proxmark3 client | 为PM3设计的跨平台图形界面
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Does the iCopy XS need to be flashed with firmware to connect? | iCopy XS 是不是要刷了固件才能连上? #29

Open p0we7 opened 2 years ago

p0we7 commented 2 years ago

I use the GUI with the command line client that comes with the iCopy XS to connect, and I get the following error.

我用 GUI 再搭配 iCopy XS 自带的命令行客户端去连接,会出现下面的错误。

[+] loaded from JSON file D:/CLIENT_X86/.proxmark3/preferences.json
[=] Using UART port COM13

[=] Communicating with PM3 over USB-CDC

qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "" even though it was found.
This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

Available platform plugins are: windows.
wh201906 commented 2 years ago

因此只能试一下GUI和iCopy XS自带的客户端能不能兼容

wh201906 commented 2 years ago

看上去iCopy XS客户端无法启动的原因是因为没找到plugin插件的路径 当GUI和客户端的目录不一致时,GUI需要通过运行一些启动脚本获得环境变量信息,然后带着这些环境变量启动客户端,这样客户端才能找到对应的依赖文件 比如在GUI配合RRG客户端使用时,GUI会去运行client/setup.bat去获取客户端运行时所需的环境变量,然后带着它们去启动客户端。 因此,你可能需要手动编写一个修改环境变量的bat文件,然后把这个文件的路径填到GUI的“设置”面板中的“预加载脚本路径”里面,然后再运行。 因为我没用过iCopy XS,所以我不知道客户端的目录结构是什么样子的,可以大概描述一下吗?