whaleron / STA9750-2024-FALL

Projects from STA9750 2024-FALL
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STA9750 Whaleron MiniProject #00 #1

Open whaleron opened 2 weeks ago

whaleron commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @michaelweylandt!

I've created my STA9750 website - check it out!


michaelweylandt commented 1 week ago

Thanks @whaleron !

Peer Feedback:

Please a look at the website associated with this GitHub repo and provide some peer feedback to @whaleron.

Website URL should be: https://whaleron.github.io/STA9750-2024-FALL/

If that link doesn't work, please check out the GitHub profile for @whaleron and see if you can help them get it working.

At a minimum, please note:

  1. Something you like about the submission.
  2. A suggestion on how to improve it.

Feel free to link to other repos, the course documentation, or other useful examples.

This submission is ungraded, so there's you don't need to provide a numerical score.

Thanks! @michaelweylandt

CC: @charles-ramirez

whaleron commented 1 week ago

@cndy17 I know you posted in a separate thread, but I wanted to make sure that it will be visible to everyone; I think your comment should be in this thread. https://github.com/whaleron/STA9750-2024-FALL/issues/2#issuecomment-2347354835

cndy17 commented 1 week ago

Ohh I see! Thanks for pointing that out. Hi Valeriia! I really like the use of Markdown to include links to X, Twitter, and the added bonus of your ML projects! You have some interesting projects there. It could be nice to have those listed on the GitHub site as well in a bulleted list. This GitHub site is also a great example of how to add your own photo with Markdown as well.

SethKauf commented 1 week ago

Hi @whaleron, I think this is really cool and your ML Projects look awesome.

Would your headshot be better if centered?

haolinnn commented 1 week ago

Hi @whaleron, I like your whole layout and theme. Also, I like the idea of putting your photo and links on the page.