whaleygeek / pyenergenie

A python interface to the Energenie line of products
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Simple On/Off commands? #23

Closed PRich13 closed 8 years ago

PRich13 commented 8 years ago

I realise this may be a sideline to this project but I've exhausted all other means.

I have the ENER314-RT and two simple on/off wall sockets, the ENER002. (https://energenie4u.co.uk/catalogue/product/ENER002-2PI-RT)

I cannot for the life of me get these to work outside of their example C script.

All I want to do is be able to turn them off and on with a few simple commands which I can then start to build into larger projects (web server etc). I'm just starting my coding adventure and this has really started to sap my enthusiasm.

Any pointers / nudges in the right direction would be awesome. I'd be more than happy to feed back any progress to the community.

Like I said, sorry if this isn't the right place. I'm new to all this and this seems the most comprehensive body of work on the ENER314-RT as the other gits seem to fork from it.

PatchworkBoy commented 8 years ago

Try these precompiled scripts for s01on/s01off etc. Download, sudo chmod +x *, run with ./s01on etc (I trigger these from Domoticz virtual switches)

Let me know if they work, otherwise I’ll try and hint you thru modifying app_main.c in HopeRF_TRX(ENER002) for each and compiling...


PRich13 commented 8 years ago

that would be an great starting point.

See this is why I love the internet, peoples are just awesome.

PatchworkBoy commented 8 years ago

Just edited my post with the link - if they don’t work I’ll be back online tomorrow night...

You need to have followed the ReadMe.txt in ENER002/HopeRF_TRX(ENER002) first to install the bcm drivers etc (from the software download on Energenie site)

PRich13 commented 8 years ago

Thanks man,

I'll try things out now and see what happens. I have all the drivers etc set up and I was trawling through the various files in the ENER002 folder and trying to modify things to work but didn't have much success.

I'll report back with my findings

PatchworkBoy commented 8 years ago

They're not the most user friendly start to coding, I have to admit!

PRich13 commented 8 years ago

tried running with:

sudo ./s1on

but getting command not found? Obviously I've opened the terminal from the folder location. Even tried copying them into the ENER002 folder and I can run the hoperf_trx but not yours.

I'll have a look at the app_main.c and see if I can start getting my head around that

PatchworkBoy commented 8 years ago

Copy the HopeRF_TRX(ENER002) folder 4 times... once for each command you need to make. Then edit each app_main.c accordingly, edit the Makefile with your new binary name, and compile.

Will post a sample around this time tomorrow, when I'm not in bed on my phone!

PRich13 commented 8 years ago

Thanks, I've always depended on the kindness of strangers.

whaleygeek commented 8 years ago

The purpose of this work was/is to develop a (almost) pure python building block that people could use without installing anything and without having to build code. For the devices I have implemented to date, it works out of the box.

The ENER002-2PI-RT devices use a slightly different radio configuration (OOK modulation rather than FSK modulation, and some different messaging structures). They are not, as yet, supported by this python library. So, for the short term at least, you've got to use the C code (which is a real pain to use).

However, there's not much work required to get the OOK devices working in this same library: I'm in talks with Energenie at the moment about extending this python library to support the older green-button OOK devices as well.

In the meantime, persevere with the code that @PatchworkBoy has sent you as it might get you started.

You could also take a look at this package which was developed by Amy and Ben and Gordon specifically to work with the older devices with the green button on them, as it might be of use too:


PatchworkBoy commented 8 years ago

If memory serves pypi supports the ener314 (GPIO based) not the 314RT (SPI based)..? can't recall offhand so I could be wrong. Either way, worth a try!!

Problem at the moment is the 314RT is currently being sold bundled by energenie with the older green button ENER002 sockets, whilst the provided c software being FSK focussed & lack of documentation means no-one gets very far fast.

On 2 Feb 2016, at 23:11, David Whale notifications@github.com wrote:

The purpose of this work was/is to develop a (almost) pure python building block that people could use without installing anything and without having to build code. For the devices I have implemented to date, it works out of the box.

The ENER002-2PI-RT devices use a slightly different radio configuration (OOK modulation rather than FSK modulation, and some different messaging structures). They are not, as yet, supported by this python library. So, for the short term at least, you've got to use the C code (which is a real pain to use).

However, there's not much work required to get the OOK devices working in this same library: I'm in talks with Energenie at the moment about extending this python library to support the older green-button OOK devices as well.

In the meantime, persevere with the code that @PatchworkBoy has sent you as it might get you started.

You could also take a look at this package which was developed by Amy and Ben and Gordon specifically to work with the older devices with the green button on them, as it might be of use too:


— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

PRich13 commented 8 years ago

Hi, Thanks!

I've already tried using that package but it seems to be tailored to the older ENER314 (no RT) and certainly doesn't produce any results that I have experienced.

Thanks to @PatchworkBoy I now have two scripts in C which turn the sockets off but as of yet I haven't figured out how turn them on. I'm pleased enough so far considering I don't know a letter of C (or any language for that matter).

I look forward to the possible implementation of this functionality within this project and will gladly test anything.

PatchworkBoy commented 8 years ago

(@LibanO should really get together with @gizmocuz and sort Domoticz support - that would immediately position the 314RT as a competitor to the RFXCom RFTRX433e for a quarter of the price... but I'm digressing offtopic - sorry!)

PatchworkBoy commented 8 years ago

Righty @PRich13 - see app_main.c, dev_HRF.c and Makefile in the HopeRF_TRX(ENER002) folder at my repo linked below.

Note relayState definition in app_main.c & dev_HRF.c - this is what determines the command to send (dev_HRF.c contains the actual bits, app_main.c just references)

NB: You need to make sure the sockets are paired... Stick one in learning mode and send s1on to get it to become aware that it’s socket1. Repeat for the 2nd, but sending s2on to get it to learn that it’s socket2.

Once you have your 4 working binaries, copy them to /usr/local/bin so that they’re in your path and can then be run from anywhere in the filesystem.


PRich13 commented 8 years ago

Thanks @PatchworkBoy I'll start experimenting with this now.

will the sockets need pairing after each reboot?

NB. Scratch that the binaries work after chmod +x is run. The sockets evidently remember being paired by the default program.

PatchworkBoy commented 8 years ago

Sockets should remember pairing indefinitely... unless there’s a power cut... then they may forget (not had one yet to find out!)

Glad you’re up and running and the binaries work for you now! Think this issue can be closed now @whaleygeek...

PRich13 commented 8 years ago

currently experimenting with trying to generate the codes for sockets 3 and 4 as well as all on and all off. I have what I think is the right code. All on and off works but when trying to teach my current socket 2 as 3 the flashing light stops when the script is run but it doesn't seem to learn it.

I can upload the code if curiosity takes you

PatchworkBoy commented 8 years ago

Aye post it up... I can add it into the repo (or you can fork the repo for yourself and add it into that)

PRich13 commented 8 years ago

Still figuring out how to post to git so for now:

// THE MAGIC LINES if (relayState == 0) { printf("Socket 1 ON\n\n"); buf[15] = 0xEE; // D0-high, D1-h // S1 on buf[16] = 0xEE; // D2-h, D3-h } if( relayState == 1) { printf("Socket 1 OFF\n\n"); buf[15] = 0xEE; // D0-high, D1-h // S1 off buf[16] = 0xE8; // D2-h, D3-l } if (relayState == 2) { printf("Socket 2 ON\n\n"); buf[15] = 0x8E; // D0-l, D1-h // S2 on buf[16] = 0xEE; // D2-h, D3-h } if (relayState == 3) { printf("Socket 2 OFF\n\n"); buf[15] = 0x8E; // D0-l, D1-h // S2 off buf[16] = 0xE8; // D2-h, D3-l } if (relayState == 4) { printf("Socket 3 ON\n\n"); buf[15] = 0xE8; // D0-h, D1-l // S3 on buf[16] = 0xEE; // D2-h, D3-h } if (relayState == 5) { printf("Socket 3 OFF\n\n"); buf[15] = 0xE8; // D0-h, D1-l // S3 off buf[16] = 0xE8; // D2-h, D3-l } if (relayState == 6) { printf("Socket 4 ON\n\n"); buf[15] = 0x88; // D0-l, D1-l // S4 on buf[16] = 0xEE; // D2-h, D3-h } if (relayState == 7) { printf("Socket 4 OFF\n\n"); buf[15] = 0x88; // D0-l, D1-l // S4 off buf[16] = 0xE8; // D2-h, D3-l } if (relayState == 8) { printf("All Sockets ON\n\n"); buf[15] = 0xEE; // D0-h, D1-h // All on buf[16] = 0x8E; // D2-l, D3-h } if (relayState == 9) { printf("All Sockets OFF\n\n"); buf[15] = 0xEE; // D0-h, D1-h // All on buf[16] = 0x88; // D2-l, D3-l } // END MAGIC LINES

NB. Basically from what I can see: EE = high high E8 = H L 8E = L H 88 = LL

matched up with the channels from here: https://energenie4u.co.uk/res/pdfs/ENER002PI-RT%20User%20Guide.pdf

PatchworkBoy commented 8 years ago

Cool... Ta! Will get those added in to dev_HRF.c

PRich13 commented 8 years ago

Like I said, not having much success pairing for 3 and 4 yet

hotear commented 8 years ago

Hey there @whaleygeek, I would like to request this functionality (you mention above) be added to the python code. I have a couple of spare green style plugs that I am no longer able to use since swapping to the new transceiver board and this (great) python only code for reading the purple style plugs. It would be good to make use of them again as they are much cheaper than the purple ones and I don't need to know the power draw from all devices, just to be able to turn them on and off.

whaleygeek commented 8 years ago

I'm designing the OOK support at the moment, which will then support the legacy devices. When this is done and tested, I'll release it here and you can clone it and try it for me if you like :-) Thanks!

PRich13 commented 8 years ago

Second Tester ready and waiting! I'm having a few stability issues with the customised C scripts.

whaleygeek commented 8 years ago

I've just added OOK support, and have a very simple test script working. I am closing this issue as it is now tracked in #32 please see the instructions in that issue on how to try out my test code, and read carefully the warnings about it being 'first working code' and 'lots more to do to it'. As they say, release early, release often :-)