whame / tmux-modal

Execute complex tmux commands in just a few keystrokes with a modal mode that is designed to be efficient, easy to remember and comfortable
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Can't bind `/` in keybindings.conf #14

Open slacksystem opened 2 months ago

slacksystem commented 2 months ago


I have added the following to my .tmux.conf:

set -g @modal-keybindings-conf ~/.tmux/conf/keybindings.conf
set -g @modal-commands-conf ~/.tmux/conf/commands.conf

in ~/.tmux/conf/keybindings.conf, in addition to the defaults, I have added

## Rename window.

## Search within windows, only visible part, ignores case.

##q Pane command prefix (same bindings as KBD_WIN but without the prefix).

and in ~/.tmux/conf/commands.conf

## Rename window.
CMD_WIN_RENAME='command-prompt -I "#W" "rename-window -- \"%%\""'

## Search within windows, only visible part, ignores case.
CMD_WIN_SEARCH='tmux command-prompt -p "Search for:" "find-window -Zi  %%"'

## Split command prefix.

(context included to indicate position)

I've tried both / and '/' as the values for KBD_WIN_SEARCH and neither seem to be bound. They don't do anything and list-keys doesn't have an entry for them. I've installed using tpm and when I add bind -T ktm-window '/' command-prompt -p "Search for:" "find-window -Zi %%" below run '~/.tmux/plugins/tpm/tpm' the keybind works, so there's a workaroubut otherwise it doesn't. I would think that any key that works with tmux bind-key should work in the config file. Any ideas why this isn't working?

whame commented 2 months ago

Adding new commands are unfortunately not supported. Only the ones already specified in commands.conf can be customized.

However, adding support for custom commands is maybe something we should add. I guess many would want this (and maybe bind stuff from other plugins). That's actually a really good idea!

Just designing it quickly on top of my head, I'm thinking we should have a "template" CMD_$KT_CUSTOM_*, where $KT is an existing key table. Users can then add whatever they want, e.g. in your case

CMD_WIN_CUSTOM_SEARCH='tmux command-prompt -p "Search for:" "find-window -Zi  %%"'

and correspondingly


This way we can identify and separate custom commands and their keybindings. Thanks for the idea! I'll see if I have time to cook something up this week.