wharfkit / antelope

Core types, client interfaces, and other tools for working with Antelope-based blockchains.
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Add `ignoreInvalidUTF8` to decoder #54

Closed aaroncox closed 1 year ago

ericpassmore commented 1 year ago

I'm curious is there context around this update?

jnordberg commented 1 year ago

I dumped our internal slack thread into GPT-4 and here's the summary:

A serialization error was encountered in the eosio-core library while decoding a block on a custom chain run by the Telos team. The error was caused by an invalid UTF-8 string in the console field of an ABI. The issue was resolved by adding an optional "ignoreInvalidUTF8" parameter to the decoding function, allowing users to opt-in to ignore invalid UTF-8 characters. This change is backwards compatible and addresses an undefined nodeos UTF-8 decoding behavior.