wharfkit / antelope

Core types, client interfaces, and other tools for working with Antelope-based blockchains.
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how to check if an account is inactive #97

Closed dev-dantealighieri closed 5 months ago

dev-dantealighieri commented 5 months ago

when i was checking the internet i saw something like this: 'You can’t delete account but you could undelegate all staked EOS and effectively leave that account inactive.'

how can i check if an account is inactive? is this means if an account doesn't have any eos, its not active? or is there any other check i should do?

aaroncox commented 5 months ago

From the perspective of the blockchain - every account always exists and could be "active" at any point. There's no "inactive" state for an account from this perspective.

If you want to apply a subjective view of what you'd consider "inactive", you could use any number metrics such as their token balance, their staked tokens, the last time they performed a transaction, etc. That's up to you though and your opinion on what's active or not, based on what you feel makes it "active".

dev-dantealighieri commented 5 months ago

thank you!