whatawurst / android_device_sony_yoshino-common

This is the Android device configuration for the yoshino platform
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Los version 1.3 charges extremely slow #102

Closed Turbolqk closed 1 year ago

Turbolqk commented 1 year ago

Dirty-flashing from 1.2, charging seems to be extremely slow. The current is around 700mA when charging rapidly and the phone heats up very fast. It took me 4 hours and a half to get from 10% to 100%. Perhaps it's somehow connected to the Battery Care feature. https://github.com/whatawurst/android_device_sony_yoshino-common/issues/3 - this is a good report on how the current should behave.

derfelot commented 1 year ago

Strange, 1.3 seems to charge just like the previous version for me. Maybe try resetting the charge control settings (top right "circle arrow").

Turbolqk commented 1 year ago

I tried that, but when charging again, the current is constantly capped at around 700mA. I check magisk modules and maybe clean reflash the rom.

Turbolqk commented 1 year ago

I reflashed the rom clean and all is good now. No idea what the problem was, but I'm probably an exception, since nobody else complained at this point.