whatawurst / android_device_sony_yoshino-common

This is the Android device configuration for the yoshino platform
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Update APNs from Google? #58

Open Flamefire opened 2 years ago

Flamefire commented 2 years ago

A user reported issues with APNs:

On 17.1, the defaults for my carrier (T-Mobile US) include a bunch of irrelevant MVNOs, one of which includes a DUN profile so it can't be edited or deleted. Because that also claims to be an IMS profile, it was overriding the proper one. So the radio would just reset repeatedly if WiFi or LTE was available.

He linked https://sourceforge.net/projects/lineageos-for-x2/files/Mods%20and%20Tweaks/APNs%20Update%20from%20Google/ which is basically using the Google APN list: https://sourceforge.net/projects/lineageos-for-x2/files/Mods%20and%20Tweaks/APNs%20Update%20from%20Google/

Would it make sense to use that directly or merge it with ours?

However I don't really understand this APN stuff. I though the APN is selected based on the current MCC & MNC but the apns-conf.xml contains many duplicated entries for the same MCC/MNC combination. So when merging the APN configs, which ones would I need to omit if duplicates seemingly are allowed?