whatotter / pwnhyve

a pi-zero powered hacking tool, with badusb capabilities and hoaxshell payload generation and injection; the little sibling of the unfortunately dead p4wnp1-aloa
MIT License
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Problem with the wiki #23

Closed GodlySchnoz closed 4 months ago

GodlySchnoz commented 5 months ago

The wiki references pwnhyvessh that was removed in commit 1be919f4667a1aca60caf96e9b7f00d645b1853f

GodlySchnoz commented 5 months ago

And also referencing #11 wiringpi is deprecated so should either include the legacy library, remove it completely or substitute it this is an unofficial mirror with some added hardware support with various wrappers one of which is in python archived as of december 2023 also since the project is in python something like gpiozero might be worthwile to look at

whatotter commented 5 months ago

thank you for telling me this, i will edit it asap

will not last long though, as pwnhyve is undergoing a full rewrite with cython/go/c++ because of how slow it is with basic python, especially basic SPI writing

plus, pwnhyve doesn't need wiringpi afaik, but i will work on that

GodlySchnoz commented 5 months ago

perfect, also i saw that you have plans to include sour apple attacks support, i like many others wrote some scripts as soon as the exploit became pubblic; in my case python and arduino because i wanted to use it on my ESP32S3, in case i can probably adapt those, all in all one is python and arduino is basically c/c++; The arduino code is by all means faster but it's not really necessary for it to be as most of the code has constant timing (as i have implemented delays like most people i would imagine did) and the millisecond difference when selecting what device to emulate is not really an obtimization that needs to happen and the memory difference is not really a concern either, so in case let me know wich one you prefer. Ps i will get that done no earlier than mid february as i am currently in the middle of my exam session.

whatotter commented 5 months ago

until i push the new rewrite, i advise not working on any plugins since it will break support for them - i should finish in about a week or so :) plus, i might just work on it myself and you can contribute to it

GodlySchnoz commented 5 months ago

yea that's not a problem at all, it's by no means something hard to do, the exploit itself is quite basic as it just needs to randomize the last 3 sets of bytes to randomize the device identification and the other ones are kind of set in stone as they describe averything else also it the rewrite is done in less than 3 weeks for sure i won't be able to work on it comes out as i have my uni exams.

whatotter commented 4 months ago

closed due to lack of activity