whatotter / pwnhyve

a pi-zero powered hacking tool, with badusb capabilities and hoaxshell payload generation and injection; the little sibling of the unfortunately dead p4wnp1-aloa
MIT License
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Run from a headless pi #30

Closed igeometrix closed 7 hours ago

igeometrix commented 4 months ago

I don't see in the documentation how exactly I can run this from a headless pi. How do configure it and then how do I actually get to control or select any of the modules. I basically have it setup on my pi to auto run like the documentation shows but can I say, ssh into the pi and get to a menu of sorts or am I going about it the wrong way?

whatotter commented 4 months ago

running headless is possible, but in the config.toml VNC must be enabled. once that's done, you need to clone the pwnhyve repo to your PC, and then go to the vnc folder, then do python3 stream.py (ip address of your pwnhyve pi).

if you want to do wifi hacking while using vnc you need a second wifi adapter, because when pwnhyve puts wlan0 into monitor mode it'll kill your session and you won't be able to get it back

VNC is also still experimental, report any issues you have on it :)

igeometrix commented 4 months ago

OK thank you, I got it going but sometimes the interface has info available and sometimes its just blank after I connect the IP. Maybe I should reinstall on my pi since I see you've been updating quite a bit lately. Is there a good way to just update a current install on my pi?

igeometrix commented 4 months ago

Main issue is that even when it connects and I have some options on the interface.. I only see a few and say I go into /Hotplug.. it then fails on the raspi side and disconnects from the stream.py. Do you have any input on this or do you think the update as I said above could fix all this? Also curious where the hoaxshell rev shell setup is at within the menus?

whatotter commented 4 months ago

OK thank you, I got it going but sometimes the interface has info available and sometimes its just blank after I connect the IP. Maybe I should reinstall on my pi since I see you've been updating quite a bit lately. Is there a good way to just update a current install on my pi?

as for right now, the systeminfo util is kinda broken and other plugins are being prioritised

and as for updating, you'd have to ssh into the pi and git clone the new repository - an auto update is in the works but redundancy is something highly prioritised too, so even if the update fails for some reason it should still work

whatotter commented 4 months ago

Main issue is that even when it connects and I have some options on the interface.. I only see a few and say I go into /Hotplug.. it then fails on the raspi side and disconnects from the stream.py. Do you have any input on this or do you think the update as I said above could fix all this? Also curious where the hoaxshell rev shell setup is at within the menus?

as for the raspi issue, I've never seen that happen and i use the vnc plugin almost daily, try git cloning the new repository on your pi and then show the logs here 🙂

the hoax shell plugin is being reworked at the moment but it should be under /Hotplug afaik, if not then it should be implemented next update (if I'm not lazy)

igeometrix commented 4 months ago

Here's some screens with the errors im getting.. some from my machine and some from the pi (ssh) pwnhyve1 pwnhyve3 pwnhyve2 pwnhyve4

This is what im getting after trying to go into /Hotplug

whatotter commented 4 months ago

try updating the pi and then making sure you went successfully through the badusb setup, it might be because /dev/hidg0 doesn't exist, weird

igeometrix commented 4 months ago

I just ran through and checked everything and it seems that it is installed correctly.. I'm not sure what is causing this tbh. I have my usb plugged into the inner most input on the pi and yes I don't see /dev/hidg0 but was that supposed to be there before the install because I don't see where I was supposed to set that up.

whatotter commented 4 months ago

is the cable your using data? did you reboot the pi after installing? if you can, try a different port too

another thing you can try is doing sudo /bin/pwnhyveusb (or wherever your usb init module is) while the pi is connected

wvpul commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, i have been getting an error everytime i try to do "python stream.py my pi ip" image

whatotter commented 7 hours ago

closed due to inactivity, was fixed in the discord server