whats2000 / HumanScreamingDetection

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Research paper #1

Open e9l7a5f opened 2 weeks ago

e9l7a5f commented 2 weeks ago

thank you for your work it was very helpful do you have a research paper for it? I want to write a research paper about a similar work, and I would like to give you a citation.

whats2000 commented 2 weeks ago

@e9l7a5f I am glad that the codes are helping you, this research was used for a university competition in Taiwan. But I haven't thought to publish a paper. Feel free to take the stuff for your research! If you want to cite, here is my real name "Ren-Di Wu". If you are interested in the full project, here is it SubwayEaseUp. This includes other stuff related to this competition project. (Sorry for the ReadME is written in Traditional Chinese)