whatwg / compression

Compression Standard
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Getting snappy over Snappy #46

Open carljkempe opened 1 year ago

carljkempe commented 1 year ago

In terms of adding additional compression algorithms, I'll take the stand and the cry for Google's Snappy or sz. It's what I've been using lately, regardless of how popular or old it is. While everyone cries for brotli, I'll leave this here.

Sorry, I've spent a lot of time mangling at the thought of hacking together a solution to support custom algos, on a client-browser tonight. I'm wrapping up the development of a production-ready back-end for all of my personal projects to come and I obviously was able to encode my large data files, as well as network requests with it, very easily. Which lead me down this rabbit hole; the least I could do is open an issue or leave a comment to further nudge the development of the web!

I'm actually building my own client, so while this sounds entirely specific, it will be thanks to Wails. So whenever WebKitGTK becomes one of the first browsers to support anything better or more unique than what's commonly found, I'll be happy!

Can't believe this was one of the only people crying out for it as well, 10 whole years ago.

Thank you for coming to my Ted talk, just wanted to annoy you all out of love.