whatwg / console

Console Standard
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User defined collapsable substrings #171

Open bvaughn opened 4 years ago

bvaughn commented 4 years ago

console.error hides stack traces by default, showing only the user-logged errors string:

Console error expand/collapse

This is great because it reduces clutter in the console and makes it easier to scan for a particular message before digging in.

It would be fantastic if the console API exposed a similar opt-in behavior to developers (particularly framework developers) enabling us to define collapsable substrings within a logged message.

As just one example- React could make immediate use of this with our "component stacks" feature. A React DEV warning may currently look something like this:

Warning: Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop.

Check the render method of List. See https://fb.me/react-warning-keys for more information. in ListItem (at List.js:20) in List (at Example.js:7) in Example

With an API like the one I'm describing, maybe it could instead look like this.

Warning: Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop.

▸ Check the render method of List.

See https://fb.me/react-warning-keys for more information.

Even if an API like this was limited to only allow for one collapsable string at the end, this would still be an improvement for e.g. large "component stacks"

Warning: Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop.

See https://fb.me/react-warning-keys for more information.

▸ Check the render method of List.

Doesn't groupCollapsed do this?

groupCollapsed provides some similar functionality: Console group collapsed toggle

Unfortunately groupCollapsed has a major downside: group logs can never be filtered from a console, which makes them more expensive/noisy. Console filtering and groups

This feature request is loosely related to #163.

domenic commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately groupCollapsed has a major downside: group logs can never be filtered from a console, which makes them more expensive/noisy.

This appears to be a Chrome bug, based on your screenshots, and not an inherent restriction of groupCollapsed. Perhaps that's worth filing on the Chromium issue tracker?

terinjokes commented 4 years ago

I'll note that Firefox has the same behavior here.


I agree with @domenic that this sounds like an issue to file with the browsers, in that we don't define side effects. At best, we have some informative recommendations in the "Printer" section, but nothing that can be considered normative.

terinjokes commented 4 years ago

There's a second ask here: being able to collapse in the middle of log. If browsers changed how they implemented filtering, would this still be a pressing issue? If so, do you have a pseudo-API to propose?

bvaughn commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately groupCollapsed has a major downside: group logs can never be filtered from a console, which makes them more expensive/noisy.

This appears to be a Chrome bug, based on your screenshots, and not an inherent restriction of groupCollapsed. Perhaps that's worth filing on the Chromium issue tracker?

Although my screen captures show Chrome, this behavior is also demonstrated by Firefox. It wasn't clear to me if this was adhering to spec or a "bug". Thanks for clarifying.

in that we don't define side effects

Ah! I think I just understood what you meant in this context.


bvaughn commented 4 years ago

There's a second ask here: being able to collapse in the middle of log. If browsers changed how they implemented filtering, would this still be a pressing issue? If so, do you have a pseudo-API to propose?

I think it would still be nice to be able to collapse mid-log. I imagine several React warnings might take on the format of:

<main error message>

<collapsed group with "component stack">

<link to more information>

There's a second ask here: being able to collapse in the middle of log. If browsers changed how they implemented filtering, would this still be a pressing issue? If so, do you have a pseudo-API to propose?

Right, right. I think the API I'm describing would still be a lot more user friendly. For example, even if console groups were hidden with a filter- you'd probably run into another problem:

  1. Search a busy console for a substring
  2. Find a matching group
  3. Expand it
  4. It's contents are hidden (because of your filter string)
  5. Remove the filter
  6. Lose your place

I'm not too opinionated on the API. Maybe a new directive could work? e.g.

  "Example header\n\n%g\n\nExample footer",
  "Example title",
  "Example expanded contents"

Example header

▸ Example title

Example footer