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Summary of the wide gamut support on Canvas #4167

Closed fserb closed 1 year ago

fserb commented 5 years ago

This is an IDL summary of the new proposed interface to support wide gamut on Canvas (half-float + extended SRGB)

2D Context

enum CanvasPixelFormat {
  "uint8", // default

dictionary CanvasRenderingContext2DSettings {    
  boolean alpha = true;    
  CanvasPixelFormat pixelFormat = "uint8";

dictionary CanvasContextCreationAttributesModule {    
  // Canvas 2D attributes    
  boolean alpha = true;  // Also used for WebGL.    
  CanvasPixelFormat pixelFormat = "uint8";

ImageData createImageData(unsigned long sw, unsigned long sh, 
    ImageDataColorSettings imageDataColorSettings);

ImageData createImageData(ImageDataArray data, unsigned long sw, unsigned long sh, 
    optional ImageDataColorSettings imageDataColorSettings);


enum ImageDataStorageType {
  "uint8", // default

typedef (Uint8ClampedArray or Uint16Array or Float32Array) ImageDataArray;

dictionary ImageDataColorSettings {
  ImageDataStorageType storageType = "uint8";

  Constructor(unsigned long sw, unsigned long sh, 
    optional ImageDataColorSettings imageDataColorSettings),
  Constructor(ImageDataArray data, unsigned long sw, optional unsigned long sh, 
    optional ImageDataColorSettings imageDataColorSettings),
  Exposed=(Window,Worker)] interface ImageData {
  readonly attribute unsigned long width;
  readonly attribute unsigned long height;
  readonly attribute ImageDataArray data;

  ImageDataColorSettings getColorSettings();


enum ImageBitmapPixelFormat { "default", "uint8" };

dictionary ImageBitmapOptions {
  ImageBitmapPixelFormat imagePixelFormat = "default";


enum ImagePixelFormat {
    "uint8", // default

dictionary ImageEncodeOptions {
    DOMString type = "image/png";
    unrestricted double quality = 1.0;
    ImagePixelFormat pixelFormat = "uint8";

interface HTMLCanvasElement : HTMLElement
  Promise<Blob> convertToBlob(optional ImageEncodeOptions options);
fserb commented 5 years ago

cc @whatwg/canvas

fserb commented 5 years ago

Some clarification notes, that came up while talking to @annevk:

jrmuizel commented 5 years ago

I haven't really followed all of the previous discussion about this kind of extension. Can you explain how this fits into the context of https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/315, https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/299 and https://github.com/WICG/canvas-color-space/blob/master/CanvasColorSpaceProposal.md?

fserb commented 5 years ago

This is a summary of the IDL changes proposed by w3ctag/design-reviews#315.

This is also a subset of the original proposal, that included color spaces specification and that was discussed on #299. So those two are a superset of what's being proposed here.

jrmuizel commented 5 years ago

Can you provide the use cases that this solves along with the rationale for the decisions made relative to other options?

fserb commented 5 years ago

The high level goal is to allow canvases to take advantage of full color gamut available on display devices. Example use cases:

A fully formed color space spec would include this (wide gamut) plus color spaces support (P3, rec2020, etc... and maybe a SRGB mode that doesn't do linear blending of non-linear values).

That said, it is our understanding that even that fully formed spec would need a wide-gamut mode that is backward compatible with the current SRGB support. This spec is this minimal color space support (extended SRGB) and wide gamut support on canvas and canvas export API.

jrmuizel commented 5 years ago

Do you envision the entire canvas pipeline running at float16 when CanvasPixelFormat is set to "float16"?

What is the functionality that those applications need from canvas? Naively, I can't think of much overlap between the canvas api and the needs of a photo editor.

fserb commented 5 years ago

I'm not 100% sure what you mean by "the entire canvas pipeline", but if you mean the backing storage for both 2D and WebGL and the drawing commands for 2D, then yes.

The main 2D commands that are impacted by this, as it stands now, are drawImage of wide gamut content (video, images, etc) and rendering of gradients.

In general, for any type of drawing (and some game) application color fidelity (and representing colors outside of sRGB) is a big issue.

Granted, the case strictly for 2D is a bit reduced, although we do have cases of people doing WebGL -> 2D canvas for interface, in which we would like to preserve the quality of the rendered image.

jrmuizel commented 5 years ago

CoreGraphics doesn't seem to support a 16bit float pixel format. Do you know what Apple's feedback on this proposal is?

ccameron-chromium commented 5 years ago

There was general consensus about this being the way forward at 1-year-ago's TPAC. There is definitely support in macOS for half-float IOSurfaces through the whole pipeline (I haven't locally tried in CoreGraphics myself)

fserb commented 5 years ago

(cc @smfr, I think)

smfr commented 5 years ago

CoreGraphics doesn't seem to support a 16bit float pixel format. Do you know what Apple's feedback on this proposal is?

CG does support half-float pixel formats on both its GPU-accelerated and non-accelerated code paths, so we support this proposal.

annevk commented 5 years ago

But what kind of backing store would you use that can be exposed to JavaScript? JavaScript doesn't have float16 so you'd have to do conversion at the boundary, no?

kenrussell commented 5 years ago

@annevk per the IDL above, Float32Array will be used to represent the pixels during getImageData and putImageData operations when the backing store is float16. These aren't the fastest way to use the canvas APIs anyway, so a conversion is fine. WebGL already uses Float32Array for uploading to float16 format textures and reading back float16 format framebuffers.

svgeesus commented 5 years ago

@fserb wrote:

when a float16 canvas is created, we default to extended-SRGB color space

Where is the extended sRGB space defined? What is the transfer function? What is the range of the function? In other words, what do values less than 0 or greater than 1.0 (255/255, in 8bits) mean?

annevk commented 5 years ago

@kenrussell what is the fastest way? And why don't we add Float16Array if we have several use cases?

annevk commented 5 years ago

By the way, related to @svgeesus's question, are we ensuring consistency with CSS and SVG somehow?

kenrussell commented 5 years ago

@annevk the fastest Canvas 2D APIs are the drawing operations (drawImage, rectangle/line/text drawing), not per-pixel manipulation (getImageData/putImageData).

Adding Float16Array to JS would require a large amount of hand-tuned assembly language to be added to every JS engine in existence. float16 is a native data type on GPUs but not on today's CPUs, and is handled with a library in every other language. I think it should be handled with a library in JS, too, and such libraries have already been written: https://github.com/petamoriken/float16 .

svgeesus commented 5 years ago


By the way, related to @svgeesus's question, are we ensuring consistency with CSS and SVG somehow?

I plan to, yes; primarily by following/commenting on this and making sure that CSS Color 4 and canvas stay aligned wrt Wide Color Gamut and High Dynamic Range.

annevk commented 5 years ago

@kenrussell thanks, could you perhaps also address https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/4167#issuecomment-442903394? And how would out-of-range values be handled, e.g., when going from float32 to float16?

@svgeesus that's great to hear. CSS Color 4 also seems like the ideal place to describe the WCG/HDR abstract model (the mapping of float16 values to colors, if you will).

kenrussell commented 5 years ago

@fserb is the best person to describe the extended sRGB color space; that's outside my domain.

float32 values can be defined in the spec as being converted to float16 internally with similar rules to how double (float64) is converted to float (float32) in C/C++: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16737615/how-is-floating-point-conversion-actually-done-in-cdouble-to-float-or-float .

annevk commented 1 year ago

Let's close this in favor of #8708.