whatwg / html

HTML Standard
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Insert the missing LICENSE file #538

Closed Rezonansowy closed 8 years ago

Rezonansowy commented 8 years ago

I can't find the license of the whole HTML spec. I suggest to insert the LICENSE file in this repo.

annevk commented 8 years ago

You find it at the bottom of https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/acknowledgements.html#acknowledgments. @Hixie said we couldn't do much about this.

Hixie commented 8 years ago

We can put that text in a LICENSE file. It's changing it that's hard.

domenic commented 8 years ago

After some offline discussion it seems best to leave the copyright statement as-is, in the footer of the spec, instead of duplicating it in two places.

Rezonansowy commented 8 years ago

@domenic But why? If you want to have a serious documentation, some license info should be available in the repository. What is the reason to not do this?

annevk commented 8 years ago

Because it would not be applicable to the whole repository.

Rezonansowy commented 8 years ago

@annevk I don't see any problem to include the whole footer in the LICENSE file. Here's the complete text:

Parts of this specification are © Copyright 2004-2014 Apple Inc., Mozilla Foundation, and Opera Software ASA. You are granted a license to use, reproduce and create derivative works of this document.

Part of the revision history of the picture element and related features can be found in the github.com/ResponsiveImagesCG/picture-element repository. (W3C Software and Document License)

Part of the revision history of the theme-color metadata name can be found in the github.com/whatwg/meta-theme-color repository. (CC0 1.0 Universal)

Part of the revision history of the custom elements feature can be found in the github.com/w3c/webcomponents repository. (W3C Permissive Document License)

For about ten years starting in 2003, this specification was almost entirely written by Ian Hickson (Google, ian@hixie.ch). More recently, Simon Pieters (Opera, simonp@opera.com), Anne van Kesteren (Mozilla, annevk@annevk.nl), Philip Jägenstedt (Google, philip@foolip.org), and Domenic Denicola (Google, d@domenic.me), all previously long-time contributors, have joined Ian in editing the text directly.

The image in the introduction is based on a photo by Wonderlane. (CC BY 2.0)

The image of the wolf in the embedded content introduction is based on a photo by Barry O'Neill. (Public domain)

The image of the kettlebell swing in the embedded content introduction is based on a photo by kokkarina. (CC0 1.0)

The image of two cute kittens in a basket used in the context menu example is based on a photo by Alex G. (CC BY 2.0)

The Blue Robot Player sprite used in the canvas demo is based on a work by JohnColburn. (CC BY-SA 3.0)

The photograph of robot 148 climbing the tower at the FIRST Robotics Competition 2013 Silicon Valley Regional is based on a work by Lenore Edman. (CC BY 2.0)

The diagram showing how async and defer impact script loading is based on a similar diagram from a blog post by Peter Beverloo. (CC0 1.0)

The image decoding demo used to demonstrate module-based workers draws on some example code from a tutorial by Ilmari Heikkinen. (CC BY 3.0)

The <flag-icon> example was inspired by a custom element by Steven Skelton. (MIT)
domenic commented 8 years ago

We were advised by sources we trust that duplicating that information in two places would be a bad move, especially since it does not apply to the rest of the files in the repository.

Rezonansowy commented 8 years ago

@domenic Which files don't apply to licenses given above?