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Lazy loading video element poster attribute #6636

Open asuh opened 3 years ago

asuh commented 3 years ago

This approach for lazy loading videos is close to perfect.

<video preload="none" src="video.mp4" poster="videoposter.jpg" type="video/mp4">

In a video gallery with many videos, using preload="none" can help speed up page loading with its lazy loading capability. The one missing feature is lazy loading the poster attribute image.

I realize loading="lazy" only works for iframe and img elements, but this one enhancement to the lazy loading capabilities would potentially be a noticeable performance improvement in addition to not preloading the videos.

annevk commented 3 years ago

cc @whatwg/media @domfarolino

foolip commented 3 years ago

Paging some people involved in https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/3752: @bengreenstein @domenic @jakearchibald @zcorpan

If we just add a loading="lazy" attribute for <video>, should it affect the poster in exactly the same way as <img src>? Or should it also do something for the video resource if no poster attribute is used?

jakearchibald commented 3 years ago

Gut feeling: posterloading="lazy" to control the loading of the poster, and if we want the loading of video to be impacted by viewport intersection, add another option to preload, eg preload="lazymetadata" & preload="lazy".

Otherwise, combinations like loading="lazy" preload="none" are confusing.

zcorpan commented 3 years ago

I wonder if it makes more sense to bring all of img's features to video's poster image by something like

<video use-first-child-img-or-picture-as-poster-also-rename-this-attribute>
 <source ...>
   <source ...>
   <img loading="lazy" decode="async" srcset="..." sizes="...">

Otherwise how do we add srcset, art direction, and type-based resource selection to poster images?

zcorpan commented 3 years ago

If loading="lazy" appears on a <video> I would expect it to apply to the video, or maybe both the video and the poster. Its behavior is orthogonal to preload in that preload specifies how much to load, and loading specifies when to load (ASAP vs wait until it's in view or almost in view).

jakearchibald commented 3 years ago

I wonder if it makes more sense to bring all of img's features to video's poster image by something like

I like that!

loading behavior is orthogonal to preload…

loading="lazy" preload="none" seems really weird though

zcorpan commented 3 years ago

It's not so weird if it also applies to poster="...", in my opinion. I guess the loading attribute would have no effect when there's no poster attribute and you use preload="none", sure. Is it a problem? loading="lazy" with src="data:..." is also weird, but isn't disallowed.

zcorpan commented 2 years ago

I think these are the options to solve this issue:

For lazy-loading of the video:

zcorpan commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure it's worthwhile to specify lazy-loading for video, since preload="none" exists and people can use lazy-loading poster images (when that is supported).

scottaohara commented 2 years ago

@zcorpan would

I wonder if it makes more sense to bring all of img's features to video's poster image by something like

mean that mean authors would be able to provide alternative text for the poster then? because that'd be something people have wanted for quite some time, and would be most welcome.

zcorpan commented 2 years ago

@scottaohara maybe, but I think it's better to discuss alt text (or accessible name) for video (and audio) in a new issue.

For now, aria-label or aria-labelledby can be used, right?

scottaohara commented 2 years ago

We're talking about different things, @zcorpan. Those attributes can be used to provide a name for the 'video' element, but they would not (and should not) be used to provide a description for the poster itself. This graphic is often used (misused) to provide some sort of title card with content that is only available via that image, and is only relevant when that image is displayed, has long been a frustrating topic for some.

Here is a closed HTML AAM issue which then links to other past issues on the subject. (following the links leads to some pretty heated 'discussion')

Understood if you think this should be spun out into a separate issue, but the reason I brought it up is because of your mention of "all of img's features", and if this idea is accepted, then this image (and thus its alternative text) could be exposed.

asuh commented 2 years ago

Here's what I'm reading from the various conversations above, also with my preference.

  src="url_of_src" // URL of video source
  poster="url_of_img" // URL of image source
  aria-label="Video element name" // Describes the name of the video element, similar to describing a button label
  alt="Description of video content" // Describes the contents of the video itself, similar to image alt text
  loading="lazy" // Lazy load the video element and poster image
  preload="none" // Don't preload the video element, similar to loading="lazy", but could also help define how to lazy load the video

It makes more sense for loading="lazy" to be a consistent attribute name with consistent functionality. Even if the loading attribute duplicates most of preload, I would always be inclined to add loading to all media for better performance. Education can help differentiate it from preload and when/where to use either.

zcorpan commented 2 years ago

@scottaohara ok. Yeah, I think a separate issue would be best to align on how to expose the poster image to ATs. It might inform how we want to solve this issue, but still lazy loading and accessibility are orthogonal concerns.

zcorpan commented 1 year ago

I think we should add posterloading=lazy to solve this issue, since it's least complex and the other things can still be added separately (lazy-loading the video with loading=lazy, adding alt text for the poster #7954 could be a separate attribute like posteralt, and srcset/picture support for posters I think should be solved together with #6363).

zcorpan commented 1 year ago

PR: #8428

This issue still has needs implementer interest. @yoavweiss is there interest for Chromium? @annevk for WebKit? @emilio for Gecko?

annevk commented 1 year ago

posterloading seems like a reasonable addition, yes.

yoavweiss commented 1 year ago

^^ @chrishtr for Chromium interest, as his team is likely to own the implementation work.

chrishtr commented 1 year ago

Confirmed interest from Chromium.

zcorpan commented 1 year ago

Thanks @annevk @chrishtr !

What's remaining is review of #8428 and the tests.

emilio commented 1 year ago

This seems fine to me as well. In general it'd be great to have it better-defined how <video poster> works (in Gecko the poster is just an anonymous <img> element), but that might be a bit trickier... It could unlock very cool stuff tho, like something like:

<video ...>
  <picture slot="poster">...</picture>

or pretty much anything (doesn't have to use the slot attribute, could be magic a la <details>, but you get the idea...).

The shadow tree of <video> could be specified as something like:

  <slot name=poster></slot>

Where the ua-defined-controls contents are, well, UA-defined, and would include captions, the video controls, etc.

I wouldn't oppose to the one-off extra attribute, but that would be perhaps a more flexible / better design over-all... Would there be appetite for such a thing?

zcorpan commented 1 year ago

Thanks @emilio

That would be like the second option in https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/6636#issuecomment-1125404102 but without ID lookup (instead relying on picture or img being a child or descendant of video + some opt-in).

It's more work, but we get more features. Curious to hear what others think.

johannesodland commented 1 year ago

I wonder how this would look if the source media attribute was reintroduced later as in #6363.

scottaohara commented 1 year ago

It's more work, but we get more features. Curious to hear what others think.

just chiming in again that the idea of using picture > img within a video would be welcome for providing alternative text for the poster image. https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/7954

annevk commented 1 year ago

How common is poster? A bigger redesign might be worth doing if it's popular and also if there are already popular libraries available that address some of the shortcomings.

zcorpan commented 1 year ago

Web Almanac: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1T5oVAVmcH3sM6R-WwH4ksr2jFtPhuLXs3-iXXoABb3E/edit#gid=1515756004 - though poster appears multiple times and I'm not sure how to interpret pct_attribute and pct_videos. @eeeps can you help?

Chromium use counter V8HTMLVideoElement_Poster_AttributeGetter is at 2.1123% and V8HTMLVideoElement_Poster_AttributeSetter at 2.0306%, but I assume this doesn't count use in HTML without author JS accessing the getter/setter, and if so, usage is probably higher.

A quick query in httparchive sample_data (10,000 pages) gives 445 pages = 4.45% of pages, and 1743 pages use video, so 25,5% of pages with a video element also use poster.

queries ``` SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT page) AS num FROM `httparchive.sample_data.response_bodies_desktop_10k` WHERE REGEXP_CONTAINS(body, r'(?i)(]*\sposter\s*=)') ``` 445 ``` SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT page) AS num FROM `httparchive.sample_data.response_bodies_desktop_10k` WHERE REGEXP_CONTAINS(body, r'(?i)(
kevinfarrugia commented 1 year ago

Incidentally I was looking at a similar query and the results are similar to what you have in the sample data. Uses the same data set as the Web Almanac 2022, (June 2022) sampled at 10%.

| client  | pages_with_videos | pages_with_poster | pct_pages_with_poster | total_pages |
| mobile  |             38847 |             10458 |    0.2692099776044482 |      771291 |
| desktop |             35098 |             10071 |   0.28693942674796286 |      558537 |

pct_pages_with_poster only includes pages which have at least one video element.

Query ```sql #standardSQL CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION getAttributes(payload STRING) RETURNS STRUCT LANGUAGE js AS ''' try { var almanac = JSON.parse(payload); var obj = { poster: 0, }; for (var node of almanac.videos.nodes) { if (typeof node.poster != "undefined") { obj.poster++; } } return obj; } catch (e) { return {}; } '''; SELECT client, COUNTIF(total_video > 0) AS pages_with_videos, COUNTIF(attributes.poster > 0) AS pages_with_poster, COUNTIF(attributes.poster > 0) / COUNTIF(total_video > 0) AS pct_pages_with_poster, COUNT(0) AS total_pages FROM ( SELECT _TABLE_SUFFIX AS client, SAFE_CAST(JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(payload, '$._almanac'), '$.videos.total') AS INT64) AS total_video, getAttributes(JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR(payload, '$._almanac')) AS attributes, FROM `httparchive.pages.2022_06_01_*` TABLESAMPLE SYSTEM(10 PERCENT) ) GROUP BY client ```
zcorpan commented 1 year ago

I discussed with @chrishtr, he said supporting picture might be too much complexity. But supporting img still gives srcset, alt, and other features of img.

@emilio wrote

<video ...>
<picture slot="poster">...</picture>

or pretty much anything (doesn't have to use the slot attribute, could be magic a la <details>, but you get the idea...).

Yeah, I think we shouldn't use slot for an HTML-native feature. We could use a new boolean attribute on video:

<video posterchild>
  <img ...>
  <source ...>

(Please suggest other names for posterchild, although I also kinda like it 🙂.)

annevk commented 1 year ago

Does <video> need an attribute? Is an <img> child not sufficient?

johannesodland commented 1 year ago

I discussed with @chrishtr, he said supporting picture might be too much complexity. But supporting img still gives srcset, alt, and other features of img.

Given the resent reintroduction of the media attribute on media element sources, do you think it's worthwhile to reconsider the picture element? I'm concerned there might be an inconsistency if the video element is able to support art-direction for videos but not for the poster image.

zcorpan commented 1 year ago

@annevk it might change behavior for legacy web content that already use img in video intended for old browsers without video support.

jernoble commented 8 months ago

Why not a new <poster> element, defined to have the same semantics and behavior of <img>?

Non-video supporting browsers would ignore it. Video-supporting browsers without specific support for it would ignore it as well.

zcorpan commented 8 months ago

But it would only do something when it's a child of a video element?

jernoble commented 8 months ago

Sure. Much like adding a poster= attribute on any non-video element doesn't do anything.

jernoble commented 8 months ago

(<poster> could also be a <picture> element instead of a <img>. The goal with this straw man was to solve the problem of legacy, non-video supporting UAs.)

zcorpan commented 8 months ago

I don't worry about what happens in non-video supporting UAs, most likely most of the web doesn't work in those browsers for other reasons anyway. I'm more concerned about currently existing web content and the effect for such content in new browsers. However, I haven't looked into how common it is to have an img in a video; if it's very rare maybe we can do what @annevk suggested in https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/6636#issuecomment-1554502038

arogers-enthink commented 8 months ago

Art direction [out-of-the-box] would be a big plus when supporting prefers-reduced-motion.

scottjehl commented 1 month ago

I like the sound of picture being used inside video to define poster images, since it'd support the variety of conditions that video source elements can now target via their media attributes, and offer srcset and sizes as well. In that case, would the picture element need a child img element or would the picture element act as a controller for the source of the video poster attribute's currentSrc?


I suppose a child img would offer the loading=lazy behavior, so it's nice to have there.

That said, if video itself offered loading=lazy, could that attribute determine how other video features behave in addition to poster? For example, could loading=lazy combined with autoplay cause a video to delay its data fetching and autoplay behavior itself until the video element is in (near) the viewport? Lazy autoplay is another feature I'd love to see addressed declaratively and it'd be great if this one attribute we already know could drive it. (related new issue: https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/10376 )