whatwg / infra

Infra Standard
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tracking/icon for features that might expose use of accessibility tools #636

Open npdoty opened 1 month ago

npdoty commented 1 month ago

What is the issue with the Infra Standard?

While conducting privacy reviews, we have realized that it would also be helpful if specifications marked where a feature might expose accessibility tools. This could be useful for privacy reviews, and also for implementers who may wish to provide particular protections to users of accessibility tools.

Similar to fingerprint/tracking-vector icon, it might be useful to develop an appropriate icon and tooling to enable working groups to add this mark to specifications.

cc @sandandsnow @pes10k w3c/strategy/issues/459

annevk commented 1 month ago

That seems like a reasonable idea. Although ideally we don't add any such features.

cc @cookiecrook @whatwg/a11y

patrickhlauke commented 1 month ago

it's an interesting idea, though i'd love to hear/see an example of that (have vague memories of the concerns about this in the early days of AOM)

npdoty commented 1 month ago

Reviews of the ARIA specs have touched on some of the different mechanisms that might currently be used to detect use of assistive technology. I'm not an expert here, but it seems like not a short list: https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1371#issuecomment-779143941

npdoty commented 1 month ago

The TAG also has a summary of some of the features for detectability, and some context on the use of an icon to mark where features can enable detectability: https://github.com/w3ctag/design-principles/issues/293