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Automate notifications for normative changes #242

Open karwa opened 2 years ago

karwa commented 2 years ago

With https://github.com/whatwg/meta/pull/238 we now have 5 bugs to file for normative changes, across 5 different issue trackers, and that still does not cover all interested parties. For example, I would also like to be informed of normative changes to the URL Standard, but my pokey little URL library isn't as big or important as large projects like Node.js or Deno, so it doesn't seem reasonable to ask contributors to file 6+ bugs.

It would be great if this could be automated in some way, so even smaller interested parties could be notified without imposing too high a burden on contributors.

MattiasBuelens commented 2 years ago

Most WHATWG standards have an associated Twitter account that automatically tweets each standard change. For example, you can follow https://twitter.com/urlstandard to keep up-to-date with changes to the URL standard.

annevk commented 2 years ago

I have thought about this before, but it seems somewhat challenging:

If someone wants to work on this I'd be supportive though.

domenic commented 2 years ago

I'd strongly prefer to continue filing manually in order to tailor the bug reports to each project. I think a "pull-based" solution for other projects, e.g. based on web hooks or the Twitter account, is probably the best for such long-tail consumers.