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whattweetbot suspended #274

Closed annevk closed 1 year ago

annevk commented 1 year ago

WHATWG admins got this email:


This is a notice that your app - whattweetbot - has been suspended from accessing the Twitter API. However, you can self-serve reactivate your app for free.

Please take the following steps to get your app quickly running again on the new Free or Basic plans available at developer.twitter.com:

  1. Subscribe to either Free or Basic via our website.
  2. When signing up, you will be able to pick 1 (Free) or 2 (Basic) apps that you want to remain active. They will be reactivated automatically after you complete your sign-up.
  3. Please update the code in your app to use v2 endpoints - this is valid to all endpoints except for media upload endpoints which are not currently supported on v2 so you can continue to use those on v1.1.

We apologize for any inconveniences this transition might have caused. By following these steps, you can continue to seamlessly use the Twitter API.

For more information, please refer to our developer community forums.

Regards, Twitter Developer Platform

I'm not interested in trying to sort this out. If someone is let me know.

If nobody steps forward we should probably deactivate https://github.com/whatwg/participate.whatwg.org/blob/main/lib/tweet-webhook.js.

domenic commented 1 year ago

The only part of this that seems hard is making the code changes to use the v2 API. Currently we're using the twitter-lite npm package to handle the OAuth stuff. (The actual POST request part is trivial and doesn't really need a package.) That doesn't seem to have been updated yet; https://github.com/draftbit/twitter-lite/issues/186 has some discussion on workarounds and PRs.

https://www.npmjs.com/search?q=twitter%20v2 has some alternatives we could try to drop in.