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TPAC 2023 meeting #284

Closed past closed 9 months ago

past commented 1 year ago

At the triage meeting on June 15 we discussed having a face-to-face meeting during TPAC this year. Since then we have reserved a room for two days and started discussions with other groups for potential joint sessions. I took the action item to file an issue with a proposed agenda, which follows below. This is still an early draft, so please suggest any other topics and meetings that would be a valuable way to spend our time together.

TPAC WHATUP meeting agenda

The WHATWG (Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group) community will meet at the Technical Plenary (TPAC) 2023 in Seville, Spain the week of 12 September 2023. We call this the “Web HyperText Application Technology Unconference Plenary” or WHATUP for short. See the overall meeting page for conference, hotel, and travel logistics. Registration is required.

Remote participation is available via Zoom. People who can are encouraged to attend as the face to face opportunity is valuable for the work, but W3C expects many people to be unable to attend and plans to provide quality remote participation support. Note that registration is required for remote participants this year. We have the room available for the full day on Thursday and Friday.

The purpose of this meeting is to make progress on the current open tasks in a high-bandwidth medium that an in-person meeting provides. Additionally it will be an excellent opportunity to strengthen the relationships between all participants by spending some time together after a long time. There is a draft agenda below, but it will become more concrete closer to TPAC, when it becomes clear what issues have been resolved and what new topics have come up.

Draft agenda


9:30-11:00 Introduction to the meeting and welcome. Discussion around WHATWG processes and how to improve them (e.g. the specification acceptance stages proposal, issue triage frequency and duration, attendance across timezones). 11:30-13:00 Joint session with the OpenUI CG 14:30-16:30 Joint session with the CSSWG 17:00-18:30 Discussion around other HTML topics


9:30-11:00 Followup HTML discussions from the previous day 11:30-13:00 Joint session with the accessibility group 14:30-16:30 Joint session with the Web Performance WG 17:00-18:30 Regular WHATWG triage

Topics for the joint session with OpenUI

Topics for the joint session with CSSWG

Topics for the HTML session

Topics for the Friday HTML session

Topics for the joint session with Web Performance

smaug---- commented 11 months ago

I wonder if there should be a joint session with some folks from performance wg, at least in case scheduling API proves to be useful (it is still unclear whether it is) and if that should be merged to HTML spec. Right now it is still WICG draft, but it has been discussed in Perf WG, I believe. There might be also other APIs in Perf WG which are very close to HTML.

muan commented 11 months ago

I'd love to see if we can add the following two issues to the HTML topics. I will also be happy to do short presentations about them. I will be attending in person.

https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/5033 https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/5326

past commented 10 months ago

I updated the agenda above with all the proposals I have received so far. Keep them coming!

mfreed7 commented 10 months ago

Could you please add https://github.com/WICG/webcomponents/issues/814 to the list?

josepharhar commented 10 months ago
past commented 10 months ago

Updated the agenda with your suggestions, thanks Joey.

khushalsagar commented 10 months ago

Can we add https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/9332 to the TPAC agenda?

josepharhar commented 10 months ago
keithamus commented 10 months ago

I'd like to talk about Invoker Buttons if there is available time

past commented 10 months ago

Updated the agenda with everything proposed up to this point.

npm1 commented 9 months ago

I'd like to talk about FedCM fetch integration if there's time, ideally Thursday as several FedCM folks fly out on Friday

josepharhar commented 9 months ago

This could be good for the csswg session: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/9284

past commented 9 months ago

Slides for #5033 Slides for #5326

past commented 9 months ago

A big thank you to everyone who attended either in person or remotely and a huge thank you to our scribes (Jeremy Roman, Mu-An Chiou, Joey Arhar)! You can find their excellent work below (any errors in the GDoc-to-Markdown conversion are mine).


  1. Panos Astithas (Google Chrome)
  2. Dominic Farolino (Google Chrome)
  3. Simon Pieters (Mozilla)
  4. Peter Van der Beken (Mozilla)
  5. Henri Sivonen (Mozilla)
  6. Domenic Denicola (Google Chrome)
  7. Jeremy Roman (Google Chrome)
  8. Noam Rosenthal (Google Chrome)
  9. Brian Kardell (Igalia)
  10. Jonathan Kingston (Duck Duck Go)
  11. Keith Cirkel (GitHub)
  12. Mu-An Chiou (Ministry of Digital Affairs, Taiwan)
  13. Kagami Rosylight (Mozilla)
  14. Anne van Kesteren (Apple)
  15. Joey Arhar (Google)
  16. Chris Wilson (Google Chrome)
  17. Adam Rice (Google Chrome)
  18. Shunya Shishido (Google Chrome)
  19. Jeffrey Yasskin (Google Chrome)
  20. Nidhi Jaju (Google Chrome)
  21. Tsuyoshi Horo (Google Chrome)
  22. Olli Pettay (Mozilla)
  23. Mason Freed (Google Chrome)
  24. Hidde de vries (Invited Expert)
  25. Theresa O'Connor (Apple, TAG, 5 > 2)
  26. Tim Nguyen (Apple)
  27. Nicolás Peña Moreno (Google Chrome) (HTML session)
  28. Christian Biesinger (Google Chrome) (HTML session only)
  29. Ryosuke Niwa (Apple)
  30. Cathie Chen (Igalia)
  31. Dan Clark (Microsoft)
  32. Benjamin VanderSloot (Mozilla)
  33. Benjamin Lesh
  34. Thomas Steiner (Google Chrome)
  35. Yifan Luo (Google Chrome)
  36. Christian Liebel (Thinktecture)
  37. Simon Pieters (Mozilla)
  38. Matthew King (Meta)
  39. Matthew Atkinson (TPG Interactive)
  40. Janina Sajka (Invited Expert)
  41. Daniel Ehrenberg (Bloomberg)
  42. Yoav Weiss (Google Chrome)
  43. Nic Jansma (Akamai)
  44. Michal Mocny (Google Chrome)
  45. Patrick Meenan (Google Chrome)
  46. Carine Bournez
  47. Eric Portis
  48. Shuo Feng (Mozilla)
  49. Westbrook Johnson (Adobe)


Process session

OpenUI session

CSSWG session

[At the CSSWG room: Nervion/Arenal II, Zoom link]

Notes on IRC: #css on irc.w3.org

Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/projects/39

HTML session


HTML followup session

Joint session with the accessibility group

Joint session with Web Performance WG

HTML triage of agenda+ items