whatwg / streams

Streams Standard
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stop/resume #33

Closed Ayms closed 11 years ago

Ayms commented 11 years ago

stop/resume methods are discussed here: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2013OctDec/0401.html

As you can see that's different from potential pause/unpause, did you foresee this case and how to handle it?

domenic commented 11 years ago

I admit I have a hard time following that thread. Could you help me understand a few things?

If you are curious how we will be doing crypto streams, see https://gist.github.com/domenic/7337821.

Ayms commented 11 years ago

It's on readable stream, this is valid for any operation that does something specific on close (hash, crypto) or that has "bytes floating around", this would apply for textDecoder too for example without the need of an explicit stream option.

I have proposed too a pause/unpause which is different (I see you do not recommend it, I would like to understand why), stop would generate something like a STOP-EOF.

Let's retake the example in the thread, a progressive hash computing 4 bytes by 4 bytes:

incoming stream: ABCDE bytes hash operation: process ABCD, keep E for the next computation incoming stream: FGHI bytes + STOP-EOF hash operation: process EFGH, process STOP-EOF: clone the state of the hash, close the operation: digest hash with I

--> you get the digest for ABCDEFGHI --> the operation is cloned in the state it was when it processed EFGH (without I then)

resume: incoming stream: JKLM hash operation (clone): process IJKL, keep M for next computation

--> you get the hash for ABCDEFGHIJKL


This is related to WebCrypto ISSUE22: http://www.w3.org/2012/webcrypto/track/issues/22

But here it's different, the advantage is that there is no public clone required, the operation would clone its state internally.

Up to now this was deemed to be very specific to something like WebCrypto but as I mentioned above this applies too to textDecoder.

One of the question is: do we really need 'resume' or does it resume implicitly when new data are coming?

Maybe that's an example that shows that whatever good concepts are behind a Streams API, it will fail to address everything if not properly coordinated (ie with W3C/WHATWG groups that have invented their streams), ideally in one place only.

Regarding cryptoStreams, I have proposed something like (idea coming from node): crypto.subtle.encrypt(xxx).createStream, so for WebCrypto or other APIs you don't have to modify the spec and just say that it is supporting the Streams API (and its createStream method).

domenic commented 11 years ago

I see. As with most parts of a streams API, this needs to be handled in two different ways depending on whether you're dealing with a pull or push data source. But, the examples at https://github.com/whatwg/streams#example-creation should show you how you would handle this with the streams API as it stands. E.g., insert the appropriate code before calling finish, or inside the abort handler. (Relatedly, for a writable crypto stream example, see https://gist.github.com/domenic/7337821.)

I think this answers the question, so I'll close this issue. I'll try to address your other points, but open other issues for them if you feel they deserve separate discussion, and feel free to continue the discussion here if you think your original point has not been addressed.

Let's retake the example in the thread, a progressive hash computing 4 bytes by 4 bytes:

It sounds like you need to split the destination stream into two, one of which will be closed, and one of which will stay open for further writing. For example

var hashStream1 = createProgressiveHashWritableStream();
var hashStream2 = createProgressiveHashWritableStream();
incomingStream.pipe(hashStream1, { close: false });
incomingStream.pipe(hashStream2); // close: true is default

After incomingStream produces ABCDE + FGHI<EOF>, hashStream1 will contain the digest for ABCDEEFGH in its hash property, whereas the call to close on hashStream2 will have caused its hash property to flush all internal computation, and thus it will contain the hash for ABCDEFGHI.

(BTW, this assumes the automatic multi-pipe implementation via a tee stream described in https://github.com/whatwg/streams#readable-streams.)

An alternative API design that might make sense for specific stream subclasses that have an efficient clone functionality would be

var hashStream1 = createProgressiveHashWritableStream();
incomingStream.pipe(hashStream1, { close: false });

// later, once `ABCDE` + `FGHI<EOF>` have come in from `incomingStream`:

// `clone` is specific to this type of stream; it is not a general stream interface
var hashStream2 = hasStream1.clone();


In this case the result would be the same in terms of what hashStream1 and hashStream2 contain. (I do not know whether OpenSSL or other prominent crypto libraries have such efficient clone, however. It is certainly not exposed in any of the bindings I am familiar with, but, I am not very familiar with very many crypto bindings :P.)

One of the question is: do we really need 'resume' or does it resume implicitly when new data are coming?

These kind of questions are why I am so insistent on us learning the lessons from JavaScript streaming APIs that come before us. The answer is very clearly the latter, if you look at history.

Maybe that's an example that shows that whatever good concepts are behind a Streams API, it will fail to address everything if not properly coordinated (ie with W3C/WHATWG groups that have invented their streams), ideally in one place only.

I don't think coordination has anything to do with how good the streams API is; I think the quality is independent of that. And I think that there is already a lot of work showing how to make a good streams API, and that this repo's streams are an attempt at capturing that, whereas the W3C streams seem like an ad-hoc attempt to scenario-solve problems as they come up by bolting on new APIs or trying to mutate APIs in strange ways. Whereas, I claim that previous work has lighted a fairly clear path toward a coherent solution that addresses all use cases outlined in the "Requirements" section of this readme. Ignoring that previous work in favor of trying to invent it from scratch is not the path I want to see streams go down.

Regarding cryptoStreams, I have proposed something like (idea coming from node): crypto.subtle.encrypt(xxx).createStream

I do not think these factory functions are a very good interface. Nobody is going to be generically testing to see "does this random thing, which might be crypto-related or might be XHR or might be filesystem, have a createStream method?" And of course it fails to distinguish between readable and writable. Instead, I think there are a few general ways streams will be produced:

Letting each API provide what is natural seems better than trying to create a uniform interface that is not useful to people anyway. And anyway,

you don't have to modify the spec and just say that it is supporting the Streams API (and its createStream method)

seems like a pipe dream, as you would of course have to give details on how the data streams. E.g., what is the default high water mark for a given readable or writable stream? Is it customizable? What type of objects stream---ArrayBuffers, strings, parsed JSON objects, CanvasPixelDataArrays, or whatever the user passes in, as in e.g. the case of web workers as duplex streams? What type of errors can be communicated, and how? What does calling abort do in terms of the underlying protocol? Does creating the stream have any side effects (in terms of used resources like sockets etc.)?

As an analogy, it would be very silly for the promises spec to propose a createPromise API, and say that you don't have to modify a spec, you just just support the Promise API and its createPromise method. What would the promise even be for? How would it behave? Etc.

There are so many questions to answer when designing a streaming interface, and trying to abdicate responsibility for them under a single "you have createStream, that means you're streaming," seems very bad.

Thanks for engaging. As I said, happy to continue discussion, either here or in more focused issues.

Ayms commented 11 years ago

I am not sure your first solution does work for the hash example, that's not a one shot operation but a repeated one for a given stream, that's why it's not a real EOF but a STOP-EOF.

Clone: it seems to work better but the idea is not to expose the clone method, that's why I find it interesting if it's an internal one linked to a Stream status.

Resume: that's what I think too but I prefer to doublecheck.

I agree that the purpose is not to reinvent things and to take lessons from previous APIs, now I am wondering how you can be so confident that your API covers all the cases without getting feedback from related groups using streams inside browsers.

I open a different ticket for createStream.

domenic commented 11 years ago

I am not sure your first solution does work for the hash example, that's not a one shot operation but a repeated one for a given stream, that's why it's not a real EOF but a STOP-EOF.

Could you explain in more detail how this works with the existing C/C++ APIs we would be basing this on? I am speaking only from my experience with the crypto bindings available in my languages and environments, namely Node.js and .NET, where what I presented works well.

now I am wondering how you can be so confident that your API covers all the cases without getting feedback from related groups using streams inside browsers.

This is fairly simple. There are no new streams in the world, really. TCP sockets and file descriptors cover most of them (and nicely encapsulate the push-vs-pull source model). Throw in TLS and GZIP and you have even greater coverage. That is, if you can encapsulate TCP, filesystem, TLS, and GZIP streams in one streaming model, you will be able to cover any conceivable streaming data source. Browser streams are generally just specializations of this. E.g. a readable stream for a HTTP response is a TCP socket. A duplex stream for a websocket is a TCP socket. A duplex stream for a web worker is a readable-writable file descriptor (since this is how OSs generally model processes). A <video> tag writable stream is a file descriptor (since it essentially represents the video output device, again accessed via file descriptors). Similarly for web audio and most media-related streams. Decoders and encoders are similar to GZIP (i.e. they are transform streams, with not-necessarily one-to-one correspondence). TLS helps ensure you can implement complicated bidirectional handshake protocols as necessary. Etc.

A crypto stream is not an immediate fit for the streaming model, since it does not represent I/O, is often synchronous, etc But it might as well implement the writable stream interface in order to integrate with the rest of the stream ecosystem, and then add its own methods for crypto-specific things. (That is, it is not primarily a stream, but can implement the stream interface so that e.g. you can pipe things to it.)

To be sure, it's extremely important to make sure streams solve the problems that other specs need solved. But I am fairly confident, from our experience solving these problems outside of standards-land, that this design does. There is important work to be done helping other spec writers understand how to use the streaming mechanisms here for their specs, but to be honest, I would rather provide a solid and well-thought out primitive that maps to the underlying I/O abstractions, than I would scenario-solve various specs' use cases. Then, we can let users demonstrate how to use the flexible streams we provide to create pleasant and well-designed streaming interfaces to existing APIs, as per extensible web philosophy. Once those are ready, only then do we need to incorporate them into the platform officially. Streams do not have to roll out uniformly to all APIs at once, if they are designed well enough to be rolled out gradually.

Ayms commented 11 years ago

The Tor protocol for example (https://www.github.com/Ayms/node-Tor), it does hash/encrypt/decrypt the payload of 512 KB cells the way I have described in this post, so the payload would be multi piped to the hash/encrypt or hash/decrypt depending on the way of the flow, with a STOP-EOF message inserted for each payload.

Indeed streams are existing since a long time (so what are we talking about here? :-) )

Now browsers have some specifics, if you are interested take a look at http://www.peersm.com where I am streaming I think about everything that exists on earth, currently trying to optimize flow control/backpressure.

domenic commented 11 years ago

so the payload would be multi piped to the hash/encrypt or hash/decrypt depending on the way of the flow, with a STOP-EOF message inserted for each payload.

I think this is where I get lost. Can you describe more concretely what that looks like in terms of the Tor C++ APIs and the data? I am starting to think STOP-EOF is an in-protocol signal, not a stream-is-closed signal. Similar to the discussion of in-protocol vs. stream-ending errors at https://github.com/whatwg/streams/pull/25#issuecomment-27800251. But I definitely have more to understand here.

Ayms commented 11 years ago

I don't know exactly what to show you, you have the C Tor repo here: https://gitweb.torproject.org/tor.git/tree/HEAD:/src/or , graphically it could be:

Nodes 1,2 and 3 in the path

                    ==> enc3 ==> enc2 ==> enc1 
Tor messages                                                      ---> Tor cell ---> TLS ---> WS
                    ==> hash3 ==> hash2 ==> hash1

Where --> is a normal pipe and ==> is a pipe where you need to insert STOP-EOF for each block of 500 KB of messages

Raynos commented 11 years ago

I don't think you need a special EOF-stop as part of the core streams protocol.

I don't think the source needs to insert a "EOF-stop" symbol in its stream. Maybe you could just have the destinations keep track of how much they've read and if it hits 512KB they manually execute the EOF-stop code? This would work unless its important for the source to control the place of the EOF-stop symbol.

This might be the pseudo code of your diagram (with sync calls because async calls in while loops are verbose)

var torMessages = source
var hasher = new HashStream()
var encoder = new EncodeStream()
var hashesEncrypts = source.pipe(transform(function (chunk, push, cb) {
  this.chunks = this.chunks || []

  while (size(this.chunks) > 512 * 1024) {
    var message = getMessage(this.chunks); // get 512kb chunk and mutate array
    var hash = hasher.hashMessage(message); // should be async
    var enc = encoder.encodeMessage(message); // should be async
    // push a tuple into the readable buffer.
    push({ hash: hash, enc: enc })

  // done handling this chunk

// hashesEncrypts is a `Stream<{ hash: ArrayBuffer, enc: ArrayBuffer}>`
// torCell should know how to handle those tuples ?

I guess the main problem here would be whatever efficiency concern you have about the implementation of hashMessage and encodeMessage

Ayms commented 11 years ago

This would imply that I clone each time the state of the hash and crypto operations, which I am doing today and don't find very efficient.

The advantage of stop-eof would be:

The clone would be an internal one of the operation, not explicit and not exposed.

This would work for other operations like TextDecoder:

chunked data --> http parser ==> TextDecoder (stop-eof at the end of each chunk) --> handle chunk

So you would not need the stream option of TextDecoder.

I find it a good way to handle operations that can have unresolved bytes without modifying the operation API, and better than cloning or using options.

Raynos commented 11 years ago

@Ayms why do you need to clone ?

Why can't getMessage be mutable & efficient. Why can't hasher & encoder be stateful and efficient. You would have to generate a new local hasher and encoder for each

Raynos commented 11 years ago

Same for text decoder. It doesn't need to clone data. You just store the remaining undecoded bytes on the text decoder itself (you need to have one text decoder per http parser though) and then when the text decoder gets the next chunk written to it it just concatenates them and continues. No cloning involved.

Ayms commented 11 years ago

Yes (of course!!!) for TextDecoder, the clone operation would be: do nothing, just keep unresolved bytes.

So the "clone" operation depends on the Operation (TextDecoder, crypto, hash, etc), it "clones" the state of the operation to restart from it, so it's not even a real "clone", maybe another name can be found.

Each Operation supporting STOP-EOF would know what it has to do and again I find it nicer than implicit exposed/potentially leaking clones and options.

For crypto/hash, you need to clone the state for operations that have a specific finalization process or/and if unluckily the size of the chunks defined by the protocol is not a multiple of the number of bytes processed by the algorithms.

Raynos commented 11 years ago

@Ayms I don't quite understand how STOP-EOF helps here.

how does STOP-EOF help avoid the Clone operation? How does it avoid options? How does it stop leaking clones?

Ayms commented 11 years ago

@Raynos , you wrote "You would have to generate a new local hasher and encoder for each", let's imagine it's feasible I would have to keep the state of the operation.

TextDecoder: I have to use the option {stream:true}

For both, why should I do this if a stop-eof can take care of it for me?

Let's take WebCrypto hash, the interface is something like crypto.sublte.digest(xxx)

For security reasons I have no way to interact with the crypto operation, clone its state and reuse if after digest.

Now if WebCrypto is supporting streams and stop-eof, it will handle stop-eof internally (ie clone the state making sure it does not leak, return the finalization, resume on next data)

How would you handle this another way? This would imply that you can manipulate the crypto operation, so it would be insecure.

Raynos commented 11 years ago

For streaming crypto to work the crypto primitive needs to have a streaming friendly interface.

Node's crypto api has http://nodejs.org/api/crypto.html#crypto_class_hash which is { update, digest } which means you create a new Hasher for each stream and call update with each arraybuffer in the stream. Then call digest when you want the concrete hash at that moment in time for the entirety of the data in the stream you have seen so far.

This allows for an efficient implementation.

The same applies to StringDecoder ( http://nodejs.org/api/string_decoder.html#string_decoder_class_stringdecoder ) it also has a streaming friendly api.

If your TextDecoder and Crypto primitives just have a single digest(ArrayBuffer) => String method / function that it won't work.

I recommend that the decoder & crypto apis are changed to be stream friendly, i.e. allow you to build up a hash piece by piece efficiently.

I'm not sure how stop EOF helps avoid rewriting decoders & crypto apis to support the fundamental use case of computing the operation on the arraybuffer piece by piece. Imagine you want to md5 hash a 4gb file. You need some kind of api that does not load a 4gb array buffer into memory.

Ayms commented 11 years ago

It seems like you don't get my point or I am not explaining correctly, I had some hard time explaining this to WebCrypto too before they recognized the issue (ISSUE22 http://www.w3.org/2012/webcrypto/track/issues/22)

The purpose of stop-eof is of course to cut things into pieces and process it as you describe, that's basically the purpose of streams, but unlike EOF, it does allow to close the operation and restart it while you continue streaming.

For example, as Tor protocol is specified there is a unique hash associated to a circuit at circuit creation and this hash will hash all data streamed within this circuit by chunks of +/- 500 KB closing the hash for each chunk, then restarting it, so each time you close it you get the hash for all data since the begining (which of course you are not going to recompute entirely for each chunk).

This API is for browsers, not for node, so it should be compatible with Web APIs (TextDecoder, WebCrypto, etc)

And node does not allow to restart the operation after digest, that's exactly my point here, node does not support stop-eof too, at least that's what I still read in the doc, I did propose something to node to allow this for the hash some time ago but finally removed it.

Raynos commented 11 years ago

@Ayms node allows you to restart after digest. You call digest() as many times as you want and it will give you the digest for the Hasher at that point in time. You move the Hasher forward by supplying more data via update().

We want to support the ability to "cut things into pieces and process it as you describe".

I think the current whatwg streams api can do so if it has stream friendly crypto primitives like node's primitives. If the WebCrypto primitives are not stream friendly then this is a WebCrypto issue not a whatwg/streams issue.

Ayms commented 11 years ago

@Raynos So, node's doc is not up to date because we can read: "Note: hash object can not be used after digest() method has been called."

Where is this documented?

Because this would mean that node does support a stop-eof for hash (where stop-eof is implicitely inserted while calling digest), but the issue is not only for hash, current APIs are based on the assumption that there would be an EOF in the stream, see WebCrypto, unlike node there is no update/digest, only digest, so you can not make the difference between both, the hash will close on EOF, same for encryption, I don't really see these APIs changing...

Again if you see another solution than a stop-eof, please advise, I don't see other not implying to be able to access the state of the operation and clone it.

I think you should reopen that issue so the discussion is public, because if node is indeed supporting multiple digest for the same hash operation, this just means that I am correct requesting a stop-eof mechanism.

Raynos commented 11 years ago

@Ayms can you redirect me to documentation on stop eof for web crypto ? If we know what the stream friendly web crypto api is then we can make sure whatwg/streams can wrap it cleanly.

@isaacs the node crypto api implies you can only call digest() once per hash. Is this correct? How would you get an incremental hash for an append only file. i.e. I want to recompute the md5 hash every time the file changes efficiently.

Ayms commented 11 years ago

@Raynos The only documentation available for this in WebCrypto is ISSUE22, it was recognized to be a problem but was closed due to lack of good/secure proposals to solve it and was considered (wrongly) as a marginal case, but finally I think the group was right to close it because there was no good solutions at that time, now with streams we get a chance to solve it in a clean way, and again the subject is not limited to crypto. I am updating the group with what is happening on streams but that's not its priority for now even if the group knows streams are important.

So, basically I am trying to propose things so Web APIs can support streams without changing everything and learning from the mistakes/limitations of the past.

W3C Streams API is at least considering the case, a bug has been open to track it.

Raynos commented 11 years ago

So if a stream wants to wrap an async operation piece-wise but read intermediate states it would need to:

Would it not be simpler if the operation had a .value() instead of a .close() that way you don't need to clone & restart it. The semantics of .value() would be the same as .close() but it wouldn't close the operation, it would just read the result at that moment in time when a value was asked for. This avoids the entire clone / restart step.

Ayms commented 11 years ago

I think it's about the same, .value would need to keep references to the state of the Operation before computing final and restarting it from the previous state.

'Clone' is probably not the right word, you don't clone the Operation but just its state, and you don't close it but just compute the final state.

'stop' should be a property of the stream (not the Operation) inserting a stop-eof signal, most of the time you are supposed to know when/where you insert stop-eof but sometimes you might not.

Then receiving stop-eof the Operation would proceed as discussed here.

Could you please reopen the issue so it's visible for others?

Raynos commented 11 years ago

So if we add .value or something to operations we can do this. We don't need stop() in the base readable stream but we can write a transform stream helper that knows about CryptoOperations and does the correct thing.

I think the important part is having .clone() or .value() on crypto operations.

Note a crypto operation does not need to be a duplex stream that receives a stop-eof signal on the writable side and produces a current final state on the readable side. That seems rather heavy, it would be leaner to just have a .compute() / .value() / .clone() on a crypto operation.

domenic commented 11 years ago

I think, as @Raynos has helped explain, this is not a streams issue, but a CryptoStream issue. As such, it's not for the streams spec to include such crypto-specific additions. Your issue 22 on WebCrypto is still the best place to have such discussions on how CryptoStreams should extend WritableStream and/or ReadableStream, whether with your (IMO very overcomplicated and prescriptive) STOP-EOF proposal, or something more usable like compute/value/clone or similar.

Ayms commented 11 years ago

No, it's not a crypto specific feature, this is valid for any Operation that needs to keep the previous state to compute next one.

compute/value/clone is of no use, the stream should handle the signal and the Operation should handle it.

Then unanswered question: does node allow multiple hash digests while streaming data or not?