whchien / funda-scraper

FundaScaper scrapes data from Funda, the Dutch housing website. You can find listings from house-buying or rental market, and historical data. 🏡
GNU General Public License v3.0
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scraping not progressing #2

Closed PJVoorwinden closed 1 year ago

PJVoorwinden commented 1 year ago

I am running this funda scraper in Python Idle and after running it, the script freezes after starting the second phase.


Is this because Funda uses anti-scraping scripts on their website? Or because of something else? Does it still work for you?



whchien commented 1 year ago

Hi Jonathan,

What is the query you were using? I tested it with some samples, and it worked fine.

vollit commented 1 year ago

Got the same issue. I think it is indeed caused by the anti-scraping scripts from Funda.


I found something strange, when I run the script in a .py file it gives on every query an error, but in a notebook it works fine.

Any idea how?

I tried it on Python 3.10, and 3.9 both same results.

whchien commented 1 year ago

Hi Volit,

What error did you get exactly? I tried with both 3.9 and 3.10, and they seem to be working fine without errors in both .py and notebook environments.

lisageurten commented 1 year ago

Hi there,

I have got almost the same issue. In my first run I retrieve 15 results for an area (only the first funda page). Second run gives me 0 zero results. If I wait some time, I again obtain 15 results and then again the following runs give 0 results again.

I am curious if it still works for you or if you know what might be causing this behavior?



whchien commented 1 year ago

Hi @PJVoorwinden @lisageurten

I just updated the new version of funda_scraper. If you can install the latest version (v1.0.0), the scraping should work without problems now. Please let me know if you encounter anything unusual. All the feedback would be appreciated!