wheever / ProxHTTPSProxyMII

A Proxomitron SSL Helper Program, can also be used to make a HTTP proxy like Privoxy capable of filtering HTTPS.
MIT License
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Will this work with Squid? #10

Closed Uzer1 closed 6 years ago

Uzer1 commented 6 years ago

Hello. Will this work with Squid to cache https traffic? Has anybody tried that?

vladns commented 6 years ago

Yes, it works, the code snippet for this: `...

Upstream http-proxy.

cache_peer parent 8118 0 no-query no-digest cache_peer_access deny CONNECT

Upstream https proxy.

cache_peer parent 8079 0 no-query cache_peer_access allow CONNECT ...`

wmyrda commented 6 years ago

I am struggling with it for several days now to set up just that https://www.prxbx.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=2172&pid=19261#pid19261 Could You post more information how did You achieved it and does you squid work as transparent proxy and use ssl bump not ssl slice? Providing config.ini from ProxHTTPSProxyMII would also be welcomed if any changes to it are required.

PS Software versions You used would also be nice