whetstone / redux-devtools-diff-monitor

176 stars 14 forks source link

Remove deprecated usage of React.PropTypes #36

Open sowiecki opened 7 years ago

sowiecki commented 7 years ago
gtfiorentino commented 7 years ago

@Nase00 - thanks for the PR. This project isn't really actively maintained due to the popularity of the Redux DevTools browser extension (e.g. for Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/redux-devtools/lmhkpmbekcpmknklioeibfkpmmfibljd?hl=en), which provides the same functionality and much more.

I'm curious to hear about your use case and whether there's a reason you either can't use the extension, or if switching to the extension is too much of a burden. This should only be a problem if you're otherwise updating package versions, though, unless I'm missing something.

sowiecki commented 7 years ago

Ah, I see, fair enough. I've preferred to stick with the non-extension version so that I can use monitors that don't seem to be available in the extension. Specifically filter-actions and my own creation, upload-download-monitor. I've also got a bit of custom code to save positional, size, and monitor ordering in local storage, which has been handy keeping everyone on my dev team happy.

Looking at the docs, it doesn't seem possible to use custom monitors with the extension, correct?

gtfiorentino commented 7 years ago

I don't believe there's a way to hook into the extension for custom monitors, though I honestly haven't looked very hard.

We can look into why the build is failing (think it's a dependency issue) and try to get this merged, though I can't promise a quick turnaround. Do you have a fork that your team is working from?