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Please consider mentioning my Ansible Galaxy role for installing Java #23

Closed bviktor closed 1 year ago

bviktor commented 1 year ago

(Shameless plug alert)


I've made an Ansible Galaxy role for installing Java:

https://galaxy.ansible.com/bviktor/java https://github.com/noobient/ansible-galaxy-java

Which provides an (I think) pretty convenient way to install various versions of Java in Ansible playbooks. You just specify flavor (you call them distros), and LTS version number, and that's it.

- include_role:
    name: bviktor.java
    version: 11
    flavor: temurin

It's not necessarily for the average user, it's more of a deployment thing, it's obviously up to you to decide, you might find it worthwhile to mention on your site.


jochenchrist commented 1 year ago

bvikto, thanks for suggesting this ansible role.

Yet, for simplicity, I'd argue not to add it to the page.